Page 9 - Annual Report
P. 9

President’s Foreword 主席序言
          Doctor’s Well-being as a Priority and Social                 醫生身心健康為優先事項及
          Subcommittee Activities                                      社交小組委員會活動

          Since launching the Well-being Charter in 2021, the Academy has   自2021年發起《身心健康約章》,醫專持
          continued to implement various initiatives and organise stress   續實施各種措施,並為院士和專科培訓
          management activities for its Fellows and specialist trainees.  學員舉辦壓力管理活動。

          Currently, over 40 Fellows, from both public and private sectors,   目前,已有超過四十位來自公營和私營
          have registered as Peer Supporters to offer informal support to   界別的院士登記成為同伴支持者。同伴
          peers in the same or across different specialties through active   支持者透過積極聆聽和分享經驗為相
          listening and sharing experiences in their spare time. Additionally,   同或不同專科的同儕提供非正式的支
          the free mental health training programme  ‘Mindfulness      援。此外,本年度繼續舉辦免費精神健
          Induction Group’ workshops has continued to be organised in   康培訓課程「靜觀體驗小組」工作坊,讓
          the year to equip Fellows and specialist trainees with techniques   院士及專科培訓學員掌握在日常生活
          for applying mindfulness in their daily lives and workplaces,   和工作場所中應用的靜觀技巧,協助他
          helping to reduce stress and enhance personal well-being.    們減輕壓力和提升個人身心健康。

          The Social Subcommittee, formed under the Academy’s House    醫專內務委員會轄下的社交小組委員
          Committee, has continued to explore different ways and means   會繼續探討不同的方法和途徑,以提升
          to enhance Fellows’ well-being. In the reporting year, the   院士的身心健康。報告年度內,小組委
          Subcommittee organised various wellness-enhancing activities,   員會舉辦了多項促進健康的活動,例如
          such as sharing of knowledge on gardening, tea gathering,    園藝知識分享、茶聚及戶外活動,如參
          and outing events such as a visit to the Palace Museum with   觀香港故宮文化博物館,並由其建築師
          introduction about the premises’ designs by its architect.   介紹博物館的設計。為了鼓勵更多資深
          To promote greater participation and demonstrate care for    院士參與活動,並表達對他們的關懷,
          our esteemed senior Fellows, who have been holders of the    小組委員會進行了一項網上調查,收集
          Academy Fellowship for over 25 years, the Subcommittee       他們對社交和康樂活動的喜好。所收到
          conducted an online survey to gather input on their preferences   的意見有助我們未來數年規劃相關活
          for social and well-being activities. The feedback received will   動。
          inform our planning of relevant activities in the coming years.

          I am particularly proud to see the formation of our own football   我特別感到自豪的是見證醫專成立了
          team, the Academy of Medicine Football Club (or ‘AM FC’) with   自己的足球隊,並以「醫專足聯」為名,
          over 70-strong members Fellows, who will play an important   成員包括七十多名院士。他們在鼓勵做
          role in encouraging physical exercise and promoting mental well-  運動和促進心理健康方面發揮重要角
          being. Several friendly matches with external associations have   色。成立以來,隊員已經與對外夥伴進
          already taken place. We look forward to more engagement from   行了數場友誼賽。我們期待更多院士加
          our Fellows to foster a healthier medical community.         入,攜手建立更健康的醫療界。

          Continuity of Young Fellows Chapter                          延續年青院士分會

          The Governing Council 2023-2024 of the  Young Fellows        年青院士分會2023-2024年度理事會已
          Chapter  (YFC)  completed  their  term  on  30  June  2024,  and   於2024年6月30日完成任期,新一屆理
          the new Governing Council became effective on 1 July 2024.   事會亦已於2024年7月1日生效。我藉此
          I would like to take this opportunity to express my warmest   衷心感謝上屆年青院士分會的努力和
          appreciation to the former  YFC for their hard work, which   工作,包括舉辦不同主題的工作坊,以
          included organising workshops on various topics to enhance   提升年青院士的醫學知識和技能,以及
          young Fellows’ medical knowledge and skills, as well as leisure   舉辦休閒活動,向年青醫學及牙科專科
          activities  to  promote  a  healthy  work-life  style among  young   醫生推廣健康的工作和生活模式。年青
          medical and dental specialists. The YFC will host a Symposium   院士分會將於今年12月舉辦運動及體育
          on Sports and Exercise Medicine in December this year. I join   醫學研討會。請支持及參與這次活動。
          them in welcoming your support.

                                                                                    香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告
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