Page 7 - Annual Report
P. 7

President’s Foreword 主席序言
          Encouraging Development of Research                          鼓勵發展遺傳學及基因組學的研
          Competence in Genetics and Genomics                          究能力

          To promote research in genetics and genomics, the Academy    為推動遺傳學及基因組學的研究,醫專
          is collaborating with the Hong Kong Genome Institute to      與香港基因組中心合作,於2023年推出
          introduce the HKAM-HKGI Research Excellence Grants           醫專—香港基因組中心基因組醫學卓
          in Genomic Medicine in 2023. Both monetary and non-          越研究獎。成功的申請者將獲得獎金資
          monetary support will be provided to successful applicants.   金及非金錢資助。醫專很高興能邁出這
          The Academy is pleased to take this significant step in pooling   重要一步,為熱衷於參與研究的年青院
          resources in the field for young Fellows and Higher Trainees   士和高級專科培訓學員匯集這個領域
          who are keen to participate in research. I am confident that   的資源。我深信,優秀的人才庫將為香
          this enhanced talent pool will make substantial contributions   港基因組醫學的未來發展作出重大貢
          to the future development of Genomic Medicine in Hong        獻。

          Understanding Artificial Intelligence in                     了解人工智能於大學本科以上程
          Postgraduate Medical Education                               度之醫學教育的應用

          In response to the transformative changes led by the rapid   因應人工智能急速發展所帶來的革命
          development of  Artificial Intelligence (AI), the  Task Force on   性變化,專業及道德倫理委員會轄下的
          Artificial Intelligence under the Professionalism and Ethics   人工智能專責小組在醫專網站開發人
          Committee developed an AI Portal on the Academy website.     工智能資源平台。這計劃旨在促進在
          This initiative aims to promote the responsible and effective   醫護環境中負責任及有效地使用人工
          use of  AI technologies in healthcare settings. On the  AI   智能技術。在資源平台上,你可以找到
          Portal, you will find a variety of shared resources and training   各種共享資料和學習資源,當中包含來
          materials, including contributions from the Li Ka Shing Faculty   自香港大學李嘉誠醫學院和其醫學倫
          of Medicine and the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law of     理與法律中心的資源。同樣令人鼓舞的
          the University of  Hong Kong.  It is also  encouraging to  see   是,醫專已與這兩方就未來的合作達成
          that a consensus has been reached among these two parties    共識,包括共同舉辦有關人工智能的會
          and the Academy on future collaborations, including the co-  議、活動和計劃,以引領人工智能的臨
          organisation  of  AI-related  conferences,  events,  and  initiatives   床應用。
          to guide the clinical application of AI.

          The  Academy believes that joining hands with the medical    醫專相信,與醫學界攜手合作以了解和
          community to understand and adopt these technologies         在不同的醫療領域採用這些技術,對於
          across different medical fields is essential for the proper and   正確和負責任地使用先進科技是非常
          responsible use of advanced technologies. We look forward to   重要的。我們期望,這些合作發揮最大
          maximising the benefits of these collaborations in enhancing   效益,提升香港醫療服務及維持醫療和
          healthcare services in Hong Kong and upholding the highest   牙科同儕的最高水平。
          standards among our medical and dental peers.

                                                                                    香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告
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