Page 11 - Annual Report
P. 11

President’s Foreword 主席序言

          The establishment of JCIMED marks a significant milestone    賽馬會醫學教育發展中心的成立標誌
          in our history and will enable us to develop and implement   着我們歷史上的一個重要里程碑,讓
          new action plans for postgraduate medical education in the   我們能夠在未來數年為醫專發展大學
          years ahead, advancing various initiatives outlined in the   本科以上程度之醫學教育制定和實施
          updated position paper on postgraduate medical education.    新計劃,提升大學本科以上程度之醫學
          Furthermore, the  Academy has secured a three-year           教育立場書(2023)中概述的各項措施。
          government funding to develop and manage initiatives related   此外,醫專獲得一項為期三年的政府撥
          to  Professional Qualifications and Standards in alignment   款,用以發展和管理與專業資格和標準
          with  the  Government’s  manpower-related  objectives.  We  will   相關的措施,與政府在醫療人力資源相
          synergise the existing resources and strength our capacity   關的目標一致。我們將協調現有資源,
          to perform various functions in education and membership     加強我們在教育和會員事務、非院士專
          affairs, qualification vetting of Certification for Specialist   科註冊資格審核╱非院士專科資格審
          Registration (CSR) / Certification for Specialist Qualification   核,以及專業發展和資歷認證方面的能
          (CSQ), as well as professional development and credentialling.  力。

          In response to the increasing demand for medical support in   鑑於運動及體育方面的醫療支援需求
          sports and exercise activities, the  Academy established the   日益增加,醫專於2024年5月成立誇專
          intercollegiate Task Force on Sports and Exercise Medicine in   科運動及體育醫學專責小組,旨在促進
          May 2024, with an aim to foster the development of training   運動及體育醫學培訓課程的發展。2024
          programmes in Sports and Exercise Medicine. In November      年11月,醫專將與香港體育學院簽訂合
          2024, the  Academy will enter into a strategic partnership   作備忘錄,建立策略性夥伴關係。這項
          with  the  Hong  Kong  Sports  Institute  with  a  Memorandum   合作將提供一個平台,讓專業人士交流
          of Understanding.  This collaboration will provide a platform   運動醫學的最新發展和良好作業,提升
          for  professionals  to  exchange  the  latest  advancements  and   醫護人員的能力,並推動該領域培訓課
          best practices in Sports and Exercise Medicine, enhancing    程的發展。即將推出的培訓課程將加強
          the capacity of medical personnel and advances training      我們支援不同級別運動員的能力,並實
          programmes in the field.  The forthcoming training courses   踐「運動即良藥」的概念。
          will enhance our capacities in supporting athletes of different
          levels and in actualising the concept of ‘Sport is medicine’.

          The  Academy will soon promulgate a policy statement         醫專即將發佈「多元、平等及包容」政策
          on Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness to ensure equal       綱領,以確保殘疾及╱或有特殊教育需
          opportunities for medical students and qualified healthcare   要的醫科學生和合資格的醫護人員有
          professionals with disabilities and / or special educational   平等機會接受專業教育和培訓。我們亦
          needs to receive professional education and training. We are   積極參與探討醫務衞生局的倡議,建立
          also actively involved in exploring an initiative from the Health   一個聯合平台,以制訂各項適用於全港
          Bureau about the establishment of a joint platform for setting   公私營醫療機構的臨床標準。
          territory-wide clinical standards applicable to both public and
          private sectors in Hong Kong.

                                                                                    香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告
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