Page 12 - Annual Report
P. 12
President’s Foreword 主席序言
I am confident that the Academy’s development in the coming 我深信,在下一任主席李錦滔教授的領
years will be exciting and impactful under the able leadership 導下,醫專在未來數年的發展將會是令
of Professor Philip Li, presently President- Elect, who will 人期待而具影響力,醫專亦會邁向另一
undoubtedly lead the Academy to new heights. I appeal to 高峰。我呼籲各位繼續支持醫專的發
all of you to offer your continued support to the Academy 展,為醫學專科教育的進步和香港市民
for its better development and to work together for the 的福祉共同努力。
advancement of postgraduate medical education and the
ultimate welfare of the people of Hong Kong.
Once again, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of 在此,我再次衷心感謝各位在我任期內
you for advising, guiding and supporting me during my tenure. I 給予建議、指導和支持。我期待日後在
look forward to meeting you again in future Academy events. 醫專的活動中與你們再次相見。
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung 梁嘉傑教授
President 主席
10 HKAM Annual Report 2024