Page 4 - Annual Report
P. 4

President’s Foreword


            President’s Foreword


                                               This is my fourth and also my last Foreword for the Annual Report.
                                               As I conclude my term of office and reflect on the past four years,
                                               I feel privileged to have the opportunity to witness strong resilience
                                               within and beyond our profession during the pandemic. I am also
                                               proud to have taken part in some great achievements made by the
                                               Academy that would not have been possible without the concerted
                                               efforts by many parties and individuals. This journey as your President
                                               has been mind-broadening, humbling, challenging at times, and yet
                                               rewarding in different aspects, providing me with insights and learning
                                               opportunities that will help me contribute to the profession and the
                                               community in other capacities in the years ahead.


            Over the past few years, the Academy has been able to deliver   過去數年,醫專一直履行其法定職能、
            its statutory duties and achieve a number of accomplishments   取得種種成果,並推出多項重大項目,
            and launched several major initiatives, thanks to the staunch   有賴特區政府、院務委員會委員、十五
            support of the Government, my fellow Council members, the     間分科學院、我們的院士和專科培訓
            15 constituent Colleges, our Fellows and trainees, external   學員、不同的機構,以及秘書處鼎力支
            counterparts,  as  well  as  the  Academy  Secretariat.  I  am   持。我很榮幸在醫專豐富的歷史裏佔一
            truly honoured to be part of the  Academy’s rich history, to   部分,為推動醫專發展作出貢獻,同時
            contribute to its evolution, and to witness its growing influence   見證醫專在醫學界及整個社會的影響
            within the medical community and society at large.            力與日俱增。

            The year I received the President’s badge from my predecessor   我從上屆主席劉澤星教授手中接過主
            Professor Chak-sing Lau, Immediate Past President of the      席徽章的那一年,正值「第四波」2019冠
            Academy, was  amid the  ‘fourth-wave’  of  the  COVID-19      狀病毒病疫情。在這段艱難時期,平常
            pandemic. During this dark period, usual medical educational   的醫學教育活動和考試都需要暫緩,甚
            activities and examinations were suspended or even cancelled,   至取消,而醫護人員需要面對病例激增
            and healthcare professionals had to face overwhelming         所帶來的龐大需求和感染的風險,使醫
            demands and personal risks due to the surge in COVID-19       療系統瀕臨崩潰。對我而言,以這個起
            cases, stretching the healthcare system to its limits. This was   步出任主席絕不容易,那些暗淡的日子
            not an easy beginning for me as President, with an overcast   也大概在我兩年任期後再獲選為主席
            that only went away when I was re-elected for a second term.   時才過去。為了確保水平得以保持,醫
            To ensure standards could be maintained, the Academy made     專進行了許多調整,並因應疫情發展實
            a lot of adjustments and implemented responsive plans to      施各種計劃,以促進專科培訓和延續醫
            facilitate specialist training and continuing medical education /   學教育╱持續專業發展活動。
            continuous professional development activities.

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