Page 6 - Annual Report
P. 6

President’s Foreword 主席序言

            In January 2024 and  August 2024, the  Academy organised      在2024年1月及8月,醫專舉辦了能力為
            the Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) Seminar         本醫學教育研討會,為分科學院提供一
            to provide a platform for constituent Colleges to share       個分享經驗和交流意見的平台,以便更
            experiences  and  exchange  ideas  to  facilitate  better  planning   好地規劃和執行能力為本醫學教育措
            and execution of CBME initiatives.  We are currently in the   施。目前,我們正在草擬《師資培訓框
            process of drafting the Faculty Development Framework         架》,以能力為本的教育方式支持導師
            (Trainers) to support faculty development through a           發展,並預計在2024年第四季推出。我
            competency-based education approach.  We anticipate           們將處理更多跟進事項,以協助提升大
            launching this set of materials in quarter four of 2024. More   學本科以上程度之醫學教育的各個領
            follow up work will be carried out to help enhance various    域。
            aspects of postgraduate medical education.

            Establishment of Jockey Club Institute for Medical            成立賽馬會醫學教育發展中心
            Education and Development (JCIMED)

            In  addition  to  strengthening  the  structure  and  content   除加強大學本科以上程度之醫學教育
            of  postgraduate  medical education,  the  Academy has        的架構和內容外,醫專亦重整其部門和
            reengineered its division and teams to enhance its capacity   團隊,以提升其能力,以推行各項有關
            for implementing various initiatives related to postgraduate   大學本科以上程度之醫學教育、培訓及
            medical education, training and development.  With the        發展之措施。在香港賽馬會慈善信託基
            generous funding  from  the Hong Kong  Jockey Club  Trust,    金的慷慨資助下,2013年成立的賽馬會
            the  Hong  Kong  Jockey  Club  Innovative  Learning  Centre  for   創新醫學模擬培訓中心將於2024年11月
            Medicine (HKJC ILCM) established in 2013 will be transformed   1日轉型為賽馬會醫學教育發展中心。
            into the Jockey Club Institute for Medical Education and
            Development (JCIMED) on 1 November 2024.

            As  the  educational  arm  of  the  Academy,  JCIMED  aims  to   作為醫專的教育部門,醫學教育發展中
            propel postgraduate medical education in Hong Kong through    心旨在通過一系列的課程和活動,包括
            a range of programmes and activities, including simulation-   模擬為本的學習和研究機會,推動大學
            based learning and research opportunities. JCIMED will        本科以上程度之醫學教育。醫學教育發
            also  incorporate  advanced technologies  such as  Artificial   展中心亦會結合先進科技,如人工智能
            Intelligence and extended reality. This transformation marks a   及延展實境技術。這次轉型標誌着醫專
            significant milestone for the Academy, heralding a new era for   重要的里程碑,亦預示着香港醫學和牙
            the medical and dental professions in Hong Kong.              科專業進入新時代。

            Continued Efforts in Professionalism and Ethics               持續推動專業及道德倫理發展

            Since the establishment of the Professionalism and Ethics     自專業及道德倫理委員會於2019年成
            Committee in 2019, 4 sets of Best Practice Guidelines (BPG)   立以來,在各個專責小組的努力下,委
            have been published with dedicated efforts from respective    員會已出版四份良好作業指引。這些良
            Task Forces.  The BPGs cover essential topics related to      好作業指引涵蓋了專家證人、披露、道
            Expert  Witnesses,  Disclosure, Apology  and Alternative      歉及非訴訟解紛、遺傳學及基因組學以
            Dispute Resolution, Genetics and Genomics, as well as Social   及使用社交媒體的重要主題。我們正就
            Media. A set of BPG on Advance Medical Directives is being    相關預設醫療指示條例的立法過程的
            developed and constantly revised, taking into consideration   變化,制定和持續修訂一份有關預設醫
            changes that emerge during the legislative process of the     療指示的預設醫療指示。這些指引承載
            relevant ordinance.  These guidelines encapsulate years of    各領域多年的經驗,為醫護人員提供寶
            experiences in the field, providing healthcare professionals   貴的參考,並為未來相關的發展奠定堅
            with valuable references and laying a solid foundation for    實的基礎。我們相信,專業及道德倫理
            future development.  We believe that the development and      發展的發展與推廣將會更全面和多元
            promotion of Professionalism and Ethics will become more      化,有效地處理各種可能深切影響醫療
            comprehensive and diversified, addressing effectively the     與牙科人員工作及職業的事項。
            various agenda which could have significant impacts on the
            work and career of many medical and dental practitioners.

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