Page 5 - Annual Report
P. 5

President’s Foreword 主席序言

          In 2021, the Academy actively engaged with the Government’s   在2021年,醫專積極參與政府就《醫生
          proposed amendments to the Medical Registration Ordinance    註冊條例》作出的修訂建議,為有意在
          for establishing a new pathway for non-locally trained doctors   港執業的非本地培訓醫生引入新途徑。
          who would like to practise in Hong Kong. We also articulated   我們亦就多項重要的醫療政策議題表
          our positions on several important healthcare policy issues,   達立場,包括政府推動基層醫療、就《輔
          including the Government’s initiatives to promote primary    助醫療業條例》作出的修訂建議、預設
          healthcare, the proposed amendments to the Supplementary     醫療指示、控煙等。
          Medical Professions Ordinance, advance directives, tobacco
          control, and so on.

          In 2023, the  Academy celebrated its 30  anniversary with    2023年,醫專就成立三十周年舉辦了一
          a year-long series of activities. I was excited to host and   系列慶祝活動。我很高興能夠主持和參
          participate in this momentous occasion, which brought        與這個重要時刻,讓資深院士和年青院
          together senior and young Fellows, medical students and      士、醫科生和專科培訓學員,以及來自
          specialist trainees, as well as friends of the  Academy from   內地和海外的友好夥伴聚首一堂。慶祝
          the mainland and overseas.  The successful completion of     活動最終圓滿結束,充分展現醫專這個
          celebratory events demonstrated the unity of the  Academy    大家庭團結一致,以及反映醫專在國家
          family and its important status at the national and global level.   和國際層面上的重要地位。我期望在擔
          I look forward to maintaining this invaluable momentum in any   任醫專其他的職務時能一直保持這種
          other capacities availed to me, as we continue to drive the   難能可貴的動力,繼續推動醫專發展。
          Academy forward.  With our accomplishments and on-going      憑藉我們的成就和持續的努力,醫專的
          efforts, the Academy’s status as a statutory body will become   法定地位將會顯得更重要,在社會上亦
          even more prominent and influential in the community, setting   更具影響力,為我們日後的領導者、院
          appropriate directions for our future generations of leaders,   士和專科培訓學員訂立正確的方向。
          Fellows, and trainees.

          Deepened Development in Postgraduate                         深化大學本科以上程度之醫
          Medical Education (PGME)                                     學教育的發展

          Following the Strategic Planning Retreat on Education and    繼2023年舉辦教育及培訓策略規劃集
          Training and the  Academy’s  Tripartite Medical Education    思會和三方醫學教育會議之後,醫專發
          Conference in 2023, the  Academy published a Position        表了《大學本科以上程度之醫學教育立
          Paper on Postgraduate Medical Education (2023). This paper   場書(2023)》。該立場書重申了我們的
          reaffirms our commitment to advancing PGME through           承諾,即通過加強以「能力為本」的醫學
          the enhancement of competency-based medical education,       教育、延續醫學教育╱持續專業發展活
          continuing medical education / continuous professional       動、師資培訓和質量保證來提升大學本
          development (CME / CPD), faculty development, and quality    科以上程度之醫學教育。立場書也概述
          assurance. It also outlines developmental frameworks to      了發展框架,以確保從規劃到執行階段
          ensure effective implementation from planning to execution,   有效推行相關措施,並讓我們回應未來
          as  well  as  enable  us  to  respond  to  the  opportunities,   醫學發展可能出現的機會、需求和挑
          needs and challenges that may arise amid future medical      戰。

                                                                                    香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告
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