Page 8 - Annual Report
P. 8
President’s Foreword 主席序言
Enhanced eLearning and Membership Services 提升網上學習與會員服務體驗
Following the launch of the one-stop online resources 繼2023年10月推出綜合性資訊管理系
platform eHKAM Portal and the Leaning Management 統eHKAM Portal及醫專學習管理系統
System (LMS) in October 2023, the Academy introduced the (eHKAM LMS),醫專於2023年11月推出
eHKAM mobile ‘App’ in November 2023. This ‘App’ application eHKAM流動應用程式。此應用程式方
facilitates access to the abovementioned platforms, offering 便院士使用上述各個平台,並隨時隨
extended features for Academy’s services, online resources 地享用醫專服務的擴展功能、網上資源
and updates anytime and anywhere. As of 31 August 2024, 和更新。截至2024年8月31日,已有超過
over 5,300 Fellows have registered for the eHKAM ID to 五千三百名院士登記eHKAM ID來登入
access these platforms. This encouraging number reflected 此平台。這數字實在令人鼓舞,亦反映
growing support among our Fellows for the Academy’s 了院士日漸支持醫專的數碼發展,透過
digital advancements, which aim to enhance the efficiency, 發展提高會員服務和延續醫學教育的
and quality of membership services and continuing medical 效率和質素。
During the reporting year, the LMS contained 75 courses 報告年度內,醫專學習管理系統現有
with over 3,800 log-in users recorded. The Academy plans to 七十五個課程,登入的用戶人數超過
develop a course to familiarise users with the functions on the 三千八百人次。醫專計劃開發課程,讓
LMS, enabling them to access a wealth of e-learning materials 使用者熟悉學習管理系統的功能,讓他
such as recordings of the Academy’s Medical Education 們能夠獲得豐富網上學習資源,如醫專
Conference and educational events organised by the PEC. The 舉辦的醫學教育會議的錄影,以及由專
continued expansion of both platforms is expected to enlarge 業及道德倫理委員會舉辦的教育活動。
our audience and to enhance learning experiences. 這兩個平台持續擴展,有望擴大用戶
Continued Collaborations with Local and External 持續與本地和對外夥伴合作
To provide more learning opportunities for our Fellows and 為了向院士及專科培訓學員提供更多
specialist trainees and to promote excellence in medical 的學習機會,並推動卓越的醫學教育,
education, the Academy is committed to maintaining 醫專致力與本地及對外合作夥伴保持
strong relationships with local and external counterparts. A 緊密聯繫。醫專、香港中文大學醫學
quadripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was 院、香港大學李嘉誠醫學院及醫院管理
signed among the Academy, the Faculty of Medicine of The 局已簽訂四方合作備忘錄,就醫學教育
Chinese University of Hong Kong, the LKS Faculty of Medicine 進一步合作,並每三年合辦一次醫學教
of the University of Hong Kong, and the Hospital Authority 育會議。這項合作也將促進有關香港醫
to further collaborations on medical education and to co- 療界和行業生態的討論。
organise a medical education conference every 3 years.
This collaboration will also foster discussions about issues
related to the healthcare sector and the evolving professional
landscape in Hong Kong.
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