Page 15 - Annual Report
P. 15
Major Events of the Year
Major Events of the Year
Academy’s 30 anniversary events and 醫專成立三十周年紀念慶祝
activities 活動
Online Audio-visual Exhibition 網上視聽展覽
To celebrate its 30 Anniversary, the Academy invited Fellows 為慶祝成立三十周年,醫專邀請了院士
and specialist trainees to share their special moments 和專科培訓學員以照片或視頻的形式,
associated with the Academy – whether about their 分享他們與醫專的特別時刻-不論有
professional growth or career advancement, their relationships 關他們的專業成長或職業發展、他們建
built or their achievements made, in the form of photos or 立的關係或取得的成就。隨後,醫專籌
videos. An online audio-visual exhibition titled ‘A Flourishing 辦一個名為「與醫專的豐盛之旅」的網
Journey with HKAM’ was then compiled, showcasing 上視聽展覽,展示一系列刻劃醫專三十
a collection of photos that highlighted the Academy’s 年來里程碑和成就的照片,並製作一系
milestones and achievements during the past 30 years. A 列訪談,邀請歷屆主席分享他們在任期
series of interviews was also produced, inviting the Academy’s 內的一些難忘時刻和成就。
Past Presidents to share some memorable moments and
achievements accomplished during their presidency.
Commemorative Tree Planting 植樹紀念
The ‘Tree of Enlightenment’, which is a bodhi tree (Ficus 醫專於2023年10月在其大樓前院種植
religiosa), was planted in October 2023 at the forecourt of the 「啟蒙之樹」,以紀念醫專成立三十周
Academy Building to commemorate the Pearl Jubilee of the 年。這棵心形葉的常綠無花果樹是菩提
Academy. The evergreen fig tree with heart-shaped leaves is 樹(學名:Ficus religiosa),象徵着精神
a symbol of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, providing 上的覺醒和啟蒙,為人們提供滋養和智
nourishment and wisdom to people. The meaning aligned 慧。其意義與醫專獨特的法定角色,及
with the Academy’s unique statutory roles and its sustained 持續為院士和專科培訓學員作好準備
efforts in preparing its Fellows and trainees for challenges 以應對即將到來的挑戰和機遇的努力
and opportunities coming their way, enabling them to grow 一致,讓他們在職業生涯中接受延續醫
and excel while pursuing continuing medical education 學教育/持續專業發展的同時得以茁
and continuous professional development throughout their 壯成長。
professional career.
Officiating guests of the Plaque
Unveiling Ceremony for the ‘Tree of
香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告