Page 7 - Annual Report
P. 7
Continuing support in the development of specialist training 持續支持大灣區發展醫學專科培訓
system in the Greater Bay Area 體系
The Academy has been sharing expertise and offering input in the 醫專一直支持深圳發展醫學專科培訓體
development of specialist training in Shenzhen. In January, the SZ-HK 系的工作。深港醫學專科培訓中心(中
Medical Specialist Training Centre organised information sessions on 心)於 2021 年 1 月舉行國家住院醫師規
national resident training for the Academy's constituent Colleges to 範化培訓分享交流會議,促進分科學院
facilitate their participation in the development of specialist training in 對參與深圳專科培訓發展的工作。香港
Shenzhen. A "Train-the-Trainer" workshop was conducted by the HKJC 賽馬會創新醫學模擬培訓中心為深圳的
ILCM for trainers in Shenzhen. The Academy is also delighted to see 培訓導師舉辦了培訓課程。醫專亦樂見
that, thanks to the concerted efforts of Colleges, several pilot training 在相關分科學院的共同努力下,中心已
programmes have already commenced. The Centre will be recognised 推行數個先導專科培訓課程。深港醫學
by the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission to provide structured 專科培訓中心將獲深圳市衞生健康委員
specialist training in Shenzhen in a progressive manner. 會認可,在深圳市推行專科醫師規範化
Global networking continues 延續全球聯繫網絡
Expanding collaboration with overseas counterparts is always one of 醫專向來致力拓展與國際醫療夥伴的合
the Academy's goals, and efforts have been made to enhance such 作,多年來亦努力維持合作關係。醫專
relationships over the years. The Academy Officers and College Presidents 幹事和分科學院院長於 2021 年 8 月透過
attended the 54 Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, which 網上平台,出席第五十四屆馬來西亞及
was held virtually in August 2021. The Memorandum of Understanding 新加坡醫學聯合會議。此外,醫專與韓
between the Academy and the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences was 國醫學科學院於今年亦延續了雙方的合
also renewed in the year. 作備忘錄。
I thank again the Council and constituent Colleges for their unfailing 我謹此再次感謝院務委員會和分科學院
support, as well as every effort made by the Academy Secretariat that 的全力支持,以及秘書處在這個充滿挑
has provided adaptive, exemplary and unfailing services during this very 戰的時期提供適切、優越和盡心的服務。
challenging time. We shall call upon and rely on the support of all as we 我們繼續並肩前行,迎接多個令人期待
embark on many exciting projects for the upholding of professional values 的計劃。醫專會繼續堅定不移地秉持專
and standards and in rendering its support and expert advice on the 業理念及水平,提供支援及專家建議,
development of a sustainable healthcare system. 以達致醫療制度可持續發展的願景。
May I wish you and your families good health, peace, and happiness. We 祝願你和家人身體健康、平安幸福。期
look forward to meeting you face-to-face at the Academy Building without 望不久將來,社交距離措施逐步放寬,
undue social distancing in the not-too-distant future. 我們可於醫專大樓再次親身會面。
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung 梁嘉傑教授
President 主席
香港醫學專科學院 2021 年度報告 5