Page 10 - Annual Report
P. 10
Highlights of the Year
Academy's Measures in Response to COVID-19 醫專應對 2019 冠狀病毒病的措施
Precautionary Measures and Actions Taken for Fellows and 醫專為院士及醫專大樓使用者採取的防
Users of the Academy Building 疫措施及工作
Owing to the persistence of COVID-19 pandemic, the Academy 鑒於 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情持續,醫專繼續提
has continued to provide online participation and other means to 供網上及各種參與活動的途徑,讓專科考試
facilitate specialty examinations and minimise disruption to specialist 順利進行,減低疫情對專科培訓的影響。有
training. With an increasing number of online medical / dental training 見醫學 / 牙醫網上培訓活動日漸普及,醫專
activities, requirements for accreditation of online CME / CPD activities 就此類活動制訂了延續醫學教育 / 持續專業
have been formulated for organisers to follow, with an aim to ensure 發展的認證要求,確保主辦機構提供具備質
quality of online CME / CPD activities. 素的網上活動。
In addition, the Academy has implemented a series of precautionary 此外,醫專在其大樓實行各項防疫措施,減
measures inside its building to lower the risk of spreading COVID-19. 低 2019 冠狀病毒病的傳播風險。醫專適時檢
Guidelines on precautionary measures are reviewed from time to 視防疫措施指引,確保會議和活動均在安全
ensure meetings and events would be held as safely as possible. 的環境下進行。
The Academy has closely monitored the latest development of 醫專一直密切關注疫情的最新發展,並及時
COVID-19 pandemic, and responsively adjusted its precautionary 按政府的防疫措施作出相關調整。大樓內增
measures following those set by the Government. Air purifiers were 設空氣淨化機以符合相關場地換氣量的要
installed where needed to comply with the airchange requirements. 求。
Moreover, the Academy has been keeping its effort to enrich its 此外,醫專持續更新去年因應疫情而設立在
COVID-19 Corner launched last year on the Academy website in 其網站的「COVID-19 Corner」。「COVID-19
response to the pandemic. Useful information includes key messages Corner」中包含各種實用資訊 - 公眾需注意的
to the public, latest research for healthcare practitioners, and 主要訊息、供醫療人員閱讀的最新研究,以
statements issued by respective constituent Colleges. 及各分科學院發放之聲明等。
Training for COVID-19 Vaccination Programme 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃之培訓
Further to the support and provision of training for the Government's 繼去年 9 月在政府普及社區檢測計劃中提供
Universal Community Testing Programme in September 2020, the 支援及培訓,醫專於本年初再度獲政府委
Academy was commissioned by the Government again in early 2021 托,為 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃設立
and helped establish an e-learning platform to provide online training 網上學習平台,向準備在社區疫苗接種中心
and practical training sessions to healthcare professionals working for 工作的醫療人員提供網上培訓及實踐訓練。
the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. The training was 醫專與香港護理專科學院共同組織這次培
jointly organised with Hong Kong Academy of Nursing, with support 訓,並由醫院管理局協助提供實踐訓練。超
from Hospital Authority in the hands-on practical sessions. Over 12,000 過一萬二千名及一千七百名醫療人員分別完
healthcare professionals completed the online training and over 1,700 成了網上培訓及實務培訓。
healthcare professionals attended the practical training sessions.
8 HKAM Annual Report 2021