Page 11 - Annual Report
P. 11

COVID-19 vaccination online training platform
                                               2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種網上學習平台

           Joint Efforts with Constituent Colleges to Promote          與各分科學院共同推廣疫苗接種之工作
           COVID-19 Vaccination

           The Academy believes that COVID-19 vaccination could help   醫專相信,接種 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗有助公
           everyone in the community move towards resumption of normal   眾恢復正常生活。因此,醫專透過各項活動,
           lives, thus encourages the public to get vaccinated as soon as possible   鼓勵市民盡快接種疫苗,活動包括:
           through various activities, which include:

           •  a statement jointly released with The Hong Kong College of Family   •  與香港家庭醫學學院、香港兒科醫學院及
             Physicians, Hong Kong College of Paediatricians and The Hong   香港婦產科學院發佈聯合聲明,促請市民
             Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to urge the   接種 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗;
             public to receive COVID-19 vaccines;

           •  a media interview co-organised with Hong Kong Medical Journal   •  與《香港醫學雜誌》及香港兒科醫學院舉
             and Hong Kong College of Paediatricians to unveil the impacts of   行傳媒採訪活動,闡述疫情對兒童身心健
             the pandemic on physical and mental health of children;     康的影響;

           •  a joint forum "HKAM Webinar – Joint Hong Kong College of Family   •  與香港家庭醫學學院及香港內科醫學院共
             Physicians – Hong Kong College of Physicians Forum on COVID-19   同舉辦「長者接種新冠肺炎疫苗」網絡研
             Vaccination in Elderly" and a statement to emphasise doctors' role   討會及發放聲明,強調長者接種疫苗的重
             in clarifying the importance for the elderly to get vaccinated.  要性。

                                                                           (From left) Dr. Thomas Ho-fai Tsang, Prof. Chak-sing Lau,
                                                                           Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung,  Prof. Philip Kam-tao Li and
                                                                           Dr. David Vai-kiong Chao

                                                                                   香港醫學專科學院  2021 年度報告        9
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