Page 4 - Annual Report
P. 4
President's Foreword
I feel honoured and humbled to be writing my first message for
the Annual Report as Academy President. My profound gratitude
goes to Immediate Past President Prof. Chak-sing Lau for his great
mentorship and trust, and to all fellow Council members for their
confidence in me.
Turning challenges into opportunities 轉化挑戰成為機遇
The first year of my tenure has been filled with healthy challenges. Despite 任期的第一年充滿各種正面挑戰。儘管
the disruptions caused by COVID-19, the Academy has continued to 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情影響深遠,醫專仍
perform its statutory roles in upholding standards of medical and dental 竭力履行其法定職能,維持醫學和牙科
specialist training, fostering a spirit of co-operation and promoting the 專科培訓的標準,提升協同合作精神,
improvement of healthcare for Hong Kong citizens. In fact, COVID-19 致力改善香港市民的健康。誠然,疫情
has opened new window of opportunities for rethink, reevaluation, and 亦同時提供不少契機,讓我們重新審視
reform. 固有的理念及思考可改善的空間,精益
In early 2021, the Academy was commissioned by the Government 醫專於 2021 年初獲政府委託,為參與
to develop an e-learning platform and provide training to healthcare 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃工作的醫
professionals working for the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination 療人員提供網上訓練。醫專與香港護理
Programme. Working in collaboration with the Hong Kong Academy of 專科學院合作,透過新建立的網上平台,
Nursing, we successfully trained over 12,000 healthcare professionals 成功培訓超過一萬二千名醫護人員。此
through our newly established online training platform. In addition, over 外,一千七百多名醫護人員亦順利完成
1,700 healthcare professionals completed hands-on practical sessions on 由醫專和醫院管理局聯合提供與疫苗關
vaccine-associated medical emergency management jointly organised 聯的醫療急救之管理實踐課程。這次開
by the Academy and the Hospital Authority. The development of this 發網上培訓課程的經驗,引導廣泛應用
COVID-19 online training course ushered in the wider use of online 網上培訓,為學習帶來更大的彈性,亦
training which provides us with flexibility in learning, much in line with the 與醫專正開展建立自己的網上學習平台
Academy's concurrent plan to develop its own e-learning platform. 之計劃互相呼應。
2 HKAM Annual Report 2021