Page 5 - Annual Report
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We continue to keep our Fellows and specialist trainees abreast of the 醫專繼 續透過其網 站上的「COVID-19
latest information on the pandemic in the COVID-19 Corner on the Corner」,讓院士和專科培訓學員獲取
Academy website. Useful information and professional advice are also 最新的疫情資訊,亦為公眾提供有用的
available there to the public. The Academy's Hong Kong Jockey Club 參考和專業的建議。醫專轄下的香港賽
Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute has taken various COVID-19- 馬會災難防護應變教研中心為不同持份
themed initiatives for different stakeholders, such as non-governmental 者,如非政府和地方組織等機構舉辦各
organisations and local communities, to equip them with the capability 種以 2019 冠狀病毒病為主題的活動,提
to respond to this public health emergency of international concern, 升他們對這次定調為國際公共衞生緊急
whilst the Academy and its constituent Colleges made a concerted effort 事件的應變能力。醫專與其分科學院協
in appealing to the public to encourage vaccination through various 力透過各種溝通渠道,如進行傳媒採訪
communication channels such as media interviews and joint statements. 活動、發出聯合聲明等,鼓勵公眾盡早
Updates on healthcare policy and practice 醫療政策及實踐的最新發展
The Academy had expressed grave concerns over the Government's 醫專透過不同的渠道向食物及衞生局局
proposal of a new pathway for admission of non-locally trained doctors 長和立法會《2021 年醫生註冊(修訂)
who do not possess a "recognised medical qualification" and the concerns 條例草案》委員會提交意見書,對政府
had been conveyed to the Secretary for Food and Health and the Bills 提出開闢新途徑以接納未擁有認可醫科
Committee of Legislative Council on multiple occasions. Colleges' 資格的非本地培訓醫生的建議表示深切
views were heard and deliberated upon with a view to formulating 關注。醫專與政府保持緊密溝通,轉達
the appropriate strategy so as to maintain close communication with 分科學院的意見,從而制定適當的策略
the Government and uphold professional standards of medical and 以維持在港執業的專科醫生及牙醫之專
dental specialists practising in Hong Kong under the guiding principle 業水平,確保在質與量之間取得可持續
of a reasonable and practical balance between quality and quantity in 性及相應合理的平衡。醫專亦就 《2019
manpower provision. The Academy also expressed views on Smoking 年吸煙(公眾衞生)(修訂)條例草案》
(Public Health)(Amendment) Bill 2019 in support of the total ban on 發表意見,提倡全面禁止另類吸煙產品。
alternative smoking products.
Medical and dental practices are undergoing momentous changes amid 疫情期間,醫學和牙科的專科執業均面
the pandemic. The Academy has therefore taken different initiatives to 對重大轉變。有見及此,醫專積極推動
assist Fellows and specialist trainees to take on challenges that may at the 不同方面的措施,以協助院士和專科培
same time create new opportunities. 訓學員在挑戰中迎來的新機遇。
Development of online training 網上學習的發展
Responding to the demand for new forms of education and training, 隨着新形式教育和培訓的需求增加、網
as well as the increasing popularity of e-learning, the Academy formed 上學習日益普及,醫專於 2021 年 6 月在
a task force in June 2021 with the Government's funding to develop 政府的資助下成立專責小組,發展綜合
a comprehensive online learning platform. User requirements will be 網上學習平台。小組將透過網上問卷調
collected through online surveys and focus group interviews, aiming to 查和焦點小組訪談收集用戶要求,旨在
establish a most user-friendly and fit-for-purpose platform for conducting 建立方便易用和合乎實際需求的網上平
online CME / CPD as well as specialist training activities. This e-learning 台,提供延續醫學教育 / 持續專業發展
system, tentatively called the "eHKAM", is scheduled for launching in late 課程。平台可望於 2022 年底推出,現時
2022, and an interim platform is currently available to accommodate 亦已建立了一個過渡性系統,推出一些
training courses provided by the Academy and its constituent Colleges. 醫專及分科學院的網上培訓課程。除了
Apart from building the platform, we shall examine the relative roles of 建立平台,醫專亦將審視實體及網上活
physical and virtual activities in a wider context of academic exchange, 動於學術交流、培訓及評估,課程更新,
training and assessment, curriculum reform, and participation in quality 以至質量保證方面所能發揮的作用。
香港醫學專科學院 2021 年度報告 3