Page 2 - Annual Report
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About the Academy 關於醫專
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine was formally established 香港醫學專科學院(醫專)根據《香港醫
under the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Ordinance (Cap 419), 學專科學院條例》(第 419 章)正式成立,
to address the need for postgraduate medical and dental education 以滿足社會對大學以上程度醫學及牙科教
and training in Hong Kong. 育與培訓的需求。
The Academy is an independent institution with statutory power to 醫專乃一所獨立的法定機構,有權組織、
organise, monitor, assess and accredit all medical specialist training 監察及評核所有醫學專科訓練,並頒授有
and to oversee the provision of continuing medical education in 關資格,同時亦負責提供延續醫學教育。
Hong Kong.
Objects of the Academy 醫專的宗旨
Objects of the Academy are: 醫專的宗旨為:
• to promote the advancement of the art and science of medicine; • 促進醫學技術的發展;
• to foster the development of continuing medical education; • 鼓勵延續醫學教育;
• to promote integrity, ethical conduct and standards in the • 提高專業及道德操守與專科執業水平;
practice of medicine and its specialties;
• 促進改善香港市民健康護理;
• to promote the improvement of health care for Hong Kong
• 提升執業醫生之間的合作精神;以及
• 促進醫學資訊及意見交流。
• to foster a spirit of cooperation among medical practitioners;
• to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas in medicine
and matters concerning the medical profession.