Page 12 - Annual Report
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Medical Education Conference 2021                           2021 醫學教育會議

           The Academy organised the Medical Education Conference (MEC) on   醫專於 2021 年 5 月 22 日順利舉辦醫學教育
           22 May 2021, with option for participants to attend virtually. Academics,   會議,並為參加者提供網上參與的選項。會
           researchers and medical experts from medical schools and associations   議成功透過網上平台,匯聚來自世界各地的
           across the globe were successfully brought together online.  學者、研究人員及醫學專家。

           The theme of MEC 2021 was "E-learning and Assessment in the New   2021 醫學教育會議的主題為「E-learning and
           Normal", aiming to engage discussions about prevailing learning and   Assessment in the New Normal」,旨在探討
           assessment approaches, especially those applicable modes under   有關現行的學習和評核方法,特別是在疫
           the challenging time. To equip participants with knowledge about   情困境下可實行的模式。為了讓參加者認識
           planning and executing professional medical training and assessments   在新常態下策劃和應用專業醫學培訓及評
           under the new normal, a symposium on "Professional Training and   核方法,會議設有「Professional Training and
           Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic" was incorporated in   Assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic」
           the scientific programme. It also featured plenaries, symposia and   座談會。此外,會議包括全會講座、座談會,
           workshops on workplace-based assessment.                    以及有關工作間評核的工作坊。

           The MEC attracted nearly 300 delegates, with approximately 85% of   會議吸引將近三百位代表及參加者,當中八
           them attended online.                                       成半透過網上參與此次會議。

                                                                          Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung delivers the opening remarks
                                                                          in the Medical Education Conference 2021.
                                                                          梁嘉傑教授於 2021 醫學教育會議致開幕辭。

           27  Annual General Meeting                                  第廿七屆周年全體大會
           The Academy held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Lim Por Yen   醫專於 2020 年 12 月 18 日在林百欣演講廳
           Lecture Theatre on 18 December 2020. The AGM received the report of   舉行周年全體大會(大會)。大會上通過院
           Academy Council, the Honorary Treasurer's report, the audited accounts   務委員會報告、名譽司庫報告、核數賬目、
           and balance sheet, and endorsed the appointment of auditors and   核數師的任命,以及納入新的醫專院士。
           admission of new Fellows.

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