Page 6 - Annual Report
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Promotion of medical professionalism and ethics 推廣醫學專業及道德操守
The Academy continues to focus on the cultivation of professional 醫專繼續聚焦發展有關專業及道德倫理
attitudes and behaviours among our Fellows and specialist trainees 工作,旨在培養院士和專科培訓學員的
through advocacy and training activities related to medical ethics and 專業態度和操守。今年,專業及道德倫
professionalism. This year, the Professionalism and Ethics Committee 理委員會擴大其工作範圍,並成立了兩
expanded their scopes of work and set up 2 new task forces - Task Force 個新的專責小組,分別為人工智能專責
on Artificial Intelligence and the Task Force on Laws for Healthcare 小組和醫療人員相關法律專責小組。有
Practitioners. Formulation of best practice guidelines on various aspects is 關制定各個範疇的良好作業指引的進度
in good progress, with the promulgation of the Best Practice Guidelines on 亦見理想。我們於 2021 年 10 月發佈遺
Genetic and Genomic Medicine in October 2021. 傳學及基因組學的良好作業指引。
Promotion of doctors' well-being to ensure patient care 推動身心健康 確保病人服務質素
Other than knowledge, skills, and professional attitudes, well-being is 除知識、專業技能和態度以外,醫療人
also an important attribute in healthcare professionals as it goes hand in 員的身心健康與病人服務質素息息相
hand with quality patient care. The Academy, assuming a leading role in 關。醫專在醫學和牙科專業界肩負起領
the medical and dental professions, set up a Task Force on Well-being to 導角色,成立身心健康專責小組,並制
devise plans and initiatives to enhance wellness of Fellows and trainees, 定各項推動院士和專科培訓學員身心健
including the promulgation of a "Well-being Charter" and development of 康的優化計劃及措施,包括發起「身心
a designated webpage. The Academy's Social Subcommittee organised a 健康約章」和推出全新的專屬網頁。醫
number of activities promoting mental, physical and social wellness. Please 專的社交小組委員會在過去舉辦不少有
stay tuned to the Academy website and eblast for the latest updates. 關促進生理、心理和社交健康活動。請
Rising influence: Hong Kong Medical Journal 影響力提升:《香港醫學雜誌》
The Academy is proud to announce that the Journal Impact Factor for the 醫專對《香港醫學雜誌》的影響系數從
Hong Kong Medical Journal (HKMJ) has significantly increased from 1.679 (in 2019 年的 1.679 躍升至 2020 年的 2.227
2019) to 2.227 (in 2020). I would like to extend my heartiest appreciation 感到驕傲。我在此衷心感謝總編輯黃至
for the leadership of our Editor Prof. Martin Chi-sang Wong, the Academy 生教授的領導、醫專出版社、香港醫學
Press office, the HKMJ Editorial Board members, and peers who 雜誌編輯委員會,以及同儕的卓越工作。
contributed to the publication. I trust that the HKMJ will reach new heights 期望《香港醫學雜誌》在未來能繼往開
and continue to exert positive influence in the field of medical research in 來,持續創下新里程碑,在醫學研究領
the years ahead. A feature issue of HKMJ about COVID-19 was published 域上更具影響力。《香港醫學雜誌》於
this year, with contributions from renowned experts in respective medical 今年出版有關 2019 冠狀病毒病的專題期
fields. Collaboration with Korean Academy of Medical Sciences on journal 刊,匯集來自不同醫學領域的專家之見
development commenced this year too. Our Editorial Board members 解。香港醫學雜誌編輯委員會與韓國醫
were invited to join the Editorial Board of Journal of Korean Medical Sciences. 學科學院在期刊上於今年開展了合作,
I look forward to more collaborations with local and overseas healthcare 委員亦獲邀加入韓國醫學科學院的期刊
counterparts, in order to increase the impact of the HKMJ within our 之編輯委員會。我期待《香港醫學雜誌》
profession, both locally and globally. 將與本地和海外醫療夥伴開展更多合
4 HKAM Annual Report 2021