Page 43 - Annual Report
P. 43
Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine
Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine 香港賽馬會創新醫學模擬培訓中心(模擬培訓中
(HKJC ILCM) was inaugurated in December 2013 to promote 心)於 2013 年 12 月成立,目的是推動創新醫學
innovative learning and research among healthcare professionals 模擬學習及研究,促進醫護專業人員提供安全及
to deliver safe and quality patient care. One of the major roles of 優質的醫護服務。模擬培訓中心的主要角色是培
HKJC ILCM is faculty development for simulation-based medical 訓導師推行以「模擬為本」的醫學教育。
Between September 2020 and August 2021, the HKJC ILCM 在 2020 年 9 月至 2021 年 8 月期間,模擬培訓
organised and hosted more than 63 training programmes and 中心組織及主辦超過六十三項培訓課程及活
activities alone or in collaboration with various partners such 動。部份課程及活動由模擬培訓中心及不同合
as Hospital Authority, Academy Colleges, HKJCDPRI and local 作夥伴聯合籌辦,合作夥伴包括醫院管理局、
universities. Participants of those training programmes included 醫專分科學院、香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研
Fellows, specialist trainees, nurses, medical students, allied 中心,以及本地大學。課程的主要對象為醫專
healthcare and paramedical professionals. 院士、專科培訓學員、護士、醫科學生、專職
Faculty Development Training Programmes 導師發展培訓課程
Comprehensive Simulation Educator Course 綜合模擬教育導師課程
The Comprehensive Simulation Educator Course (CSEC) is the 綜合模擬教育導師課程是模擬培訓中心培育導
key faculty development programme. Designed for healthcare 師發展的重點課程。課程為有志於模擬教育領
specialists with an interest in using medical simulation as a teaching 域發展的醫護專業人員而設,目的是讓參加者
tool, the CSEC provides participants with an understanding of the 了解「學員為本」的教學理念,培養參加者在
basic concepts of learner-centred education, as well as essential 策劃模擬學習活動、情景設定、指導、執行和
knowledge to develop competence in planning simulation-based 復盤方法等各方面的能力。課程由本地導師在
learning activities, scenario development, direction, execution 2016 年籌劃及講授,於 2018 年起更獲得位於波
and debriefing methods. The CSEC, which was developed and 士頓的醫學模擬中心的標準認可。
conducted by local faculty in 2016, has been endorsed by the Center
for Medical Simulation (CMS) in Boston since 2018.
Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, a total of 4 CSECs were held 縱然受到 2019 新冠狀病毒病疫情影響,模擬培
between September 2020 and August 2021. The HKJC ILCM shall 訓中心仍於 2020 年 9 月至 2021 年 8 月期間舉
continue to run the CSEC on a regular basis. 辦共四次課程,並將繼續定期舉辦課程。
香港醫學專科學院 2021 年度報告 41