Page 47 - Annual Report
P. 47
Strategic Planning Retreat 2020 策略規劃集思會 2020
HKJC ILCM has been carrying out its missions since its establishment, 模擬培訓中心自成立以來一直實踐其宗旨
and would further strengthen its support for the development of 及目標,未來更加強與醫專轄下各分科學院
postgraduate medical and dental education through the collaboration 的合作,支援大學畢業後醫學教育之發展。
with all constituent Colleges of the Academy.
A Strategic Planning Retreat was held on 1 November 2020 to collect 模擬培訓中心於 2020 年 11 月 1 日舉辦了策
ideas and devise developmental directions of HKJC ILCM in 4 areas, 略規劃集思會 2020,就四項議題討論未來
which included training activities, research, business model, as well as 的發展方向,議題包括培訓活動、研究、營
resources and quality standard. Report of the Retreat was endorsed by 運模式、資源與質素保證。集思會的報告獲
the Academy Council, and suggestions would be put into practice in 醫專院務委員會通過。模擬培訓中心將分階
phases. 段落實報告內的各項建議。
Three education or training areas were identified as the developmental 經過各方在集思會上的討論,三個教育或
direction in the Retreat, covering e-Learning, workplace-based 培訓領域將成為模擬培訓中心的重點發展,
assessment (WBA) and competency-based medical education. The 包括網上學習、工作間進行評估,以及有關
Centre would strategically engage, train and support different levels 「能力為本」的醫療教育。模擬培訓中心將
of stakeholders to move ahead towards this goal. In addition, the 有計劃地吸納、培訓和支援各持份者,共同
Centre would further build strategic partnerships with key stakeholders 邁向目標。此外,模擬培訓中心亦會與醫院
such as Hospital Authority and local universities, as well as refine 管理局、本地大學等主要持份者進一步合
e-Learning / WBA training through the incorporation of local elements. 作,通過研究相關的課題,完善課程及為課
A sustainable finance model for the operation of the Centre has to 程加入本地元素。可持續的融資模式對模擬
be developed, and additional resources are required to foster its 培訓中心營運亦非常重要。模擬培訓中心需
development as the Academy's education arm to broaden the scope 要額外資源,以加速發展成為醫專的教育分
of its work. Support from the Academy Council was affirmative. 部之一,並履行更多領域的工作。醫專院務
Academic Support Services 學術支援服務
In order to facilitate medical specialist education, HKJC ILCM 為促進醫學專科教育的發展,模擬培訓中心
launched a service to loan training equipment, patient simulators and 推出設備租借服務,供醫專分科學院租借培
other training simulators to the Academy Colleges for training and 訓儀器、病人模擬裝置及其他模擬訓練設備
examination conducted in the Academy Building. Library services 於醫專大樓作培訓及考試用途。模擬培訓中
are also available to all Academy Fellows, who can access reference 心亦提供圖書館服務,讓院士借閱醫學模擬
materials and books about medical simulation and medical education. 和醫學教育相關的參考資料及書籍庫藏。
Learning Management System – eHKAM 醫專學習管理系統
In June 2021, the Academy formed a Task Force supported by a 醫專於 2021 年 6 月成立專責小組及團隊開
project team to kick off the works on the development of a Learning 展有關醫專學習管理系統工作,為院士及專
Management System (LMS), an online platform to deliver e-Learning 科培訓學員提供電子學習資源及不同形式
resources and virtual learning solutions to Fellows and specialist trainees. 的網上學習方案。
香港醫學專科學院 2021 年度報告 45