Page 42 - Annual Report
P. 42
Online Voting Awareness Campaign "Fight the Virus Under 「抗疫新常態,生活新姿態!」網上有
the New Normal" 獎投票活動
Encouraging the public to keep up with hygiene habits developed 為鼓勵大眾維持疫情下的衞生習慣及對
during the pandemic and awareness of COVID-19, HKJCDPRI organised 疫情的警覺性,教研中心於 2021 年 7 月
an Online Voting Awareness Campaign named "Fight the Virus Under 至 8 月一連四星期舉辦「抗疫新常態,生
the New Normal" for 4 weeks during July and August 2021. The public 活新姿態!」網上有獎投票活動。超過
was invited to vote on the daily habits they incline to continue even 三千二百人參與投票活動,而獲最高票數
after the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 3,200 participants joined the 的首三個日常衞生習慣為:「出街戴口罩」
campaign, with the top 3 daily habits receiving the most votes - "wear a (42%)、「食嘢前,用梘液或酒精搓手液清
mask"(42%); "use hand sanitiser before having food"(30%) and "close the 潔雙手」(30%)及「蓋好廁板再沖廁」(12%)。
lid before flushing"(12%).
HKJCDPRI-themed mask and the campaign advertisement in a bus shelter Campaign advertisments on at bus seats
教研中心自家設計口罩及巴士站宣傳廣告 巴士椅背宣傳廣告
40 HKAM Annual Report 2021