Page 39 - Annual Report
P. 39
Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute
Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute 香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心(教研中
(HKJCDPRI) was set up in 2014 to strengthen preparedness and 心)於 2014 年成立,旨在加強香港就災難和
capabilities of Hong Kong for handling disasters or major emergencies. 重大突發事件的防護及應變能力。教研中心由
Led by the Academy in collaboration of The Chinese University of 醫專創立,合作夥伴包括香港中文大學及香港
Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong, and supported by 大學,並且得到國際專家的支持。教研中心的
international experts, HKJCDPRI aims to train healthcare professionals, 目標是在八年計劃期間,為醫護專業人員、非
practitioners in non-governmental organisations, teachers and the 政府組織人員、教師和公眾提供培訓。教研中
public over the 8-year project period not only to promote community 心不僅以促進社區的災害應變能力為宗旨,更
resilience in Hong Kong, but also establish the city as a regional hub 透過建設承載能力及知識發展,使香港成為災
for disaster preparedness and response training through capacity- 難防護應變培訓的地區樞紐。
building and knowledge development.
Providers Development Courses 災難管理及防護應變技術專業培訓
Mass Casualty Incident Simulation Training for the Special 為香港消防處特別支援隊提供大型傷亡事
Support Unit of the Fire Services Department 故模擬訓練
Since March 2018, HKJCDPRI has been offering mass casualty 自 2018 年 3 月起,教研中心為香港消防處特
incident Simulation Training for the Special Support Unit of the 別支援隊提供大型傷亡事故模擬訓練。中心製
Fire Services Department. Different virtual reality scenarios were 作不同虛擬場景,透過現場指揮及控制、傷
developed for the training which aims to enhance participants' 者分類及分流等練習,增強救護員處理各類大
responsiveness and operational efficiency during different mass 型傷亡事故的應變能力和行動效率。為提高訓
casualty incidents. For a high vividness and interactivity, most of 練的生動性和互動性,大部份場景均根據香港
the scenarios were designed based on actual scenes in Hong Kong 的實際環境和本地元素而設計。過去三年期
and local elements. Over the past 3 years, 269 training sessions were 間,教研中心已舉辦二百六十九節培訓,共有
conducted for 3,286 Special Support Unit members. 三千二百八十六名特別支援隊救護員參加。
Landslide Inspection Simulation Training for the Civil 為土木工程拓展署提供山泥傾瀉事故模擬
Engineering and Development Department 訓練
HKJCDPRI continued to collaborate with the Civil Engineering and 教研中心繼續與土木工程拓展署合作,於 2021
Development Department, providing landslide inspection simulation 年 4 月 19 至 23 日為其轄下的土力工程處提供
training for the Geotechnical Engineering Office from 19 April 2021 山泥傾瀉事故模擬訓練。教研中心善用虛擬實
to 23 April 2021. Using virtual reality technology, HKJCDPRI created 5 境技術,製作五個模擬山泥傾瀉場景,並加插
landslide scenarios with various emergencies included. Through role- 不同的突發情況,同時透過現場角色扮演的環
plays, the training strengthened young engineers' skills in handling 節,加強年青工程師處理山泥傾瀉事故的技
landslide cases. A total of 25 training sessions were conducted with 巧。培訓分為二十五節,共有三十四名土力工
participation of 34 geotechnical engineers. 程師參與。
香港醫學專科學院 2021 年度報告 37