Page 40 - Annual Report
P. 40
Geotechnical engineers inspect, analyse and handle
landslide incidents with the use of virtual reality
Incident Command System Training for the Fire Services 為香港消防處提供現場指揮系統訓練
To enhance the capability of frontline fire personnel in handling 為提高前線消防人員在火警及緊急事故中的指
fire and emergency incidents, HKJCDPRI joined hands with the 揮及綜合應變能力,教研中心聯同香港消防處
Fire Services Department to organise the Incident Command 於 2020 年 11 月 6 日,在消防及救護學院舉行
System Training for 25 officers on 6 November 2020 at the Fire 有關現場事故指揮系統培訓,共有二十五名香
and Ambulance Services Academy. With the aid of virtual reality 港消防處人員參加。訓練以虛擬實境技術模擬
technology, a simulation of a fire breaking out in an industrial 工業大廈火警。與傳統桌上訓練比較,虛擬實
building was created. Compared with traditional tabletop training, 境模擬訓練為參加者提供置身其中的視覺和聽
virtual reality simulation training not only provides participants 覺效果外,亦能透過逼真的互動場景,提升參
with immersive visual and auditory effects, but also enriches their 加者的學習體驗和成效。
learning experience and effectiveness through realistic interactive
Community Engagement 社區參與計劃
Disaster Education Programmes for Schools 防災先導教育計劃
With a view to educating young children about disaster preparedness 教研中心亦一直與不同機構合作,為幼稚園、
and response, HKJCDPRI has been working with different partners 小學及中學生舉辦不同形式的防災先導教育計
to organise various Disaster Education programmes for students 劃活動。教研中心、香港教育大學幼兒教育學
studying in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools. HKJCDPRI 系及四間種籽學校攜手推行名為《幼稚園創新
has been working closely with the Department of Early Childhood 防災教材研發計劃》的幼稚園防災先導教育計
Education of the Education University of Hong Kong and 4 seed 劃,並舉辦一系列活動,如為幼稚園學童而設
schools on a collaboration project titled "Developing Innovative 的防災教育劇場、綠腳丫繪本老師講座、防災
Teaching and Learning Packages on Disaster Education for 家長講座、教案設計比賽等等。此外,教研中
Kindergarten Students" since 2020. Under the project, a series of 心為小學生及中學生分別舉行兩項年度活動 –
programmes had been held, such as "Disaster Education Drama" for 「互動防災教育劇場」及「中學生野外防災訓
kindergarten students, "Book Reading Training Workshop" for school 練」等。
teachers, "Disaster Preparedness Talks" for parents and "Teaching Plan
Design Competition" for school teachers. Two signature programmes
organised include "Interactive Disaster Education Drama" for primary
school students and "Disaster Preparedness Training in the Wild" for
secondary school students in the past academic year.
38 HKAM Annual Report 2021