Page 41 - Annual Report
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Disaster Education Drama for kindergarten students Disaster Preparedness Training in the Wild
為幼稚園學童而設的防災教育劇場 中學生野外防災訓練
Fighting the Virus Under the "New Normal" 應對疫情下的「新常態」
In response to the "new normal" during the COVID-19 pandemic, 面對 COVID-19 疫情,教研中心繼續推出多
HKJCDPRI launched a number of programmes to keep the public 項工作,為公眾及不同界別的專業人士提
and professionals from different sectors well informed of the latest 供專業知識和最新資訊。項目包括:為兒
information and knowledge about COVID-19. Programmes included 童服務的前線人員提供遊戲治療培訓、為
a Play Therapy Training Workshop for child-service practitioners, an 非牟利機構舉辦精神健康培訓員網上工作
online lecture on Train the Trainers Programme for NGOs on Mental 坊,及一系列網絡研討會,如《預防及應
Health during the pandemic, and a number of webinars series covering 對災難之「Fact Check 你要識!」》、《疫
different topics such as "Fact-check Skills Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic", 情下的精神健康》網上講座系列及《持續
"Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic" and "Business Continuity 業務應變計劃》長者服務篇網上分享會系
Planning for NGOs on Elderly Care During the COVID-19 Outbreak". 列等。
Child-service practitioners apply play-based approach in the Play Therapy Training
香港醫學專科學院 2021 年度報告 39