Page 14 - Annual Report
P. 14

Academy Officers, Honorary Fellow, orator of the David
                                                                        Todd Oration and Presidents of Academy Colleges
                                                                        officiated the ceremony in-person.

           Appreciation and Recognition                                感謝與嘉許

           Prof. John Chi-yan Leong was conferred the Honorary Fellowship   梁智仁教授獲頒授名譽院士,以表揚他在醫
           in recognition of his outstanding achievements and meritorious   學界及社會上卓越而傑出的貢獻。
           contributions to the medical profession and the community.

               Prof. Chak-sing Lau (left) and Prof. John Chi-yan Leong (right)

           Plaques of appreciation were presented to the following former   以下院務委員會前成員獲頒授感謝牌,表彰他
           Council Members in recognition of their services and contributions   們為醫專院務委員會服務及作出貢獻。
           to the Academy Council:

           Dr. Chor-chiu Lau                                         劉楚釗醫生
           Ex Officio Member (November 2005 - September 2011),       當然委員(2005 年 11 月至 2011 年 9 月)、
           Elected Member (December 2011 - December 2012),           選任委員(2011 年 12 月至 2012 年 12 月)、
           Honorary Secretary (December 2012 - December 2016) and    名譽秘書(2012 年 12 月至 2016 年 12 月)及
           Vice-President (General Affairs) (December 2016 - December 2020)  一般事務副主席(2016年12月至2020年12月)

           Prof. Henry Lik-yuen Chan                                 陳力元教授
           Honorary Secretary (December 2016 - December 2020)        名譽秘書(2016 年 12 月至 2020 年 12 月)

           Dr. Axel Yuet-chung Siu                                   蕭粵中醫生
           Ex Officio Member (October 2017 - October 2020)           當然委員(2017 年 10 月至 2020 年 10 月)

           Dr. Edmond Ho-nang Pow                                    鮑浩能醫生
           Ex Officio Member (December 2018 - December 2019)         當然委員(2018 年 12 月至 2019 年 12 月)

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