Page 13 - Annual Report
P. 13

(From left) Prof. Martin Chi-sang Wong, Prof. Henry Lik-yuen
           Chan, Dr. Chor-chiu Lau, Prof. Chak-sing Lau, Prof. Gilberto
           Ka-kit Leung and Dr. Yu-fat Chow

           In accordance with the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Ordinance,   根據《香港醫學專科學院條例》,六位幹事
           6 Officers were elected to serve a 2-year term of office until December   須經選舉產生,任期為兩年直至 2022 年 12
           2022. As only 1 nomination for each of the 6 posts were received by   月。由於在選舉提名期結束前,各幹事職位
           the deadline of nomination period, the candidates were elected to   只有一份有效提名名單,六名候選人均自動
           their respective post ipso facto.                            當選。

           The results were announced in the meeting as follows:        選舉結果於大會上公佈,詳情如下:

            Post 職位                       Officer 幹事               Post 職位              Officer 幹事
            President                     Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung  Honorary Secretary  Dr. Wing-cheong Leung
            主席                            梁嘉傑教授                    名譽秘書                 梁永昌醫生
            Vice-President (General Affairs)  Dr. Yu-fat Chow      Honorary Treasurer   Prof. Eric Wai-choi Tse
            一般事務副主席                       周雨發醫生                    名譽司庫                 謝偉財教授

            Vice-President                Prof. Paul Bo-san Lai    Editor               Prof. Martin Chi-sang Wong
            (Education and Examinations)  賴寶山教授                    編輯                   黃至生教授

           27  Annual Fellowship Conferment Ceremony                    第廿七屆院士頒授儀式

           The 27  Annual Fellowship Conferment Ceremony was held at the   第廿七屆院士頒授儀式(儀式)於 2020 年
           Lim Por Yen Lecture Theatre on 18 December 2020. To help prevent   12 月 18 日假林百欣演講廳舉行。為協助預
           the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of all participants, the   防 2019 新冠狀病毒病傳播及保障參加者的
           Academy invited most participants including all the new Fellows to join   健康,醫專邀請大部份參加者包括所有新院
           the ceremony online.                                         士透過網上平台參與此次儀式。

           A total of 237 Fellows were admitted in absentia.            在院士無法親臨現場的情況下,醫專共納入

                                                                                   香港醫學專科學院  2021 年度報告       11
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