Page 9 - Annual Report
P. 9

President’s Foreword 主席序言
          Admission of Specialist Trainees and Launch                  推展深圳專科培訓 招收
          of Specialist Training Programme in Shenzhen                 專科培訓醫生

          The SZ-HK Medical Specialist Training Centre has been furthering   深港醫學專科培訓中心持續推動深圳專
          the development of specialist training programmes in Shenzhen.   科培訓課程的發展。現時,中心已推行四
          With the launch of training programmes of 4 specialties, namely,   個專科-臨床腫瘤科、急診科、腎內科和
          Clinical Oncology, Emergency Medicine, Nephrology, Obstetrics   婦產科的培訓課程,並開展首批專科培訓
          and Gynaecology, admission of the first batch of specialist   學員的招生工作,共准入了五十七名申請
          trainees was conducted with 57 applicants enrolled. More     者。同時,中心招募一百多名培訓導師,
          than 100 trainers were also recruited to deliver these training   負責教授培訓課程。為確保培訓導師的專
          programmes. To  ensure  the  trainers’  professional  standards,  25   業水平,中心迄今舉辦了二十五場導師
          Train-the-Trainer courses / seminars have been organised so far.   培訓課程╱研討會。2023年底前,三個專
          By the end of 2023, training programmes of 3 more specialties,   科-麻醉科、神經外科、兒科的培訓課程
          Anaesthesiology, Neurosurgery, and Paediatrics, will be launched.   亦會推出。我們樂見這大規模項目的進展
          We are pleased to see the significant progress, as well as receive   顯著,並得到深圳市政府、相關機構和分
          generous support from the Shenzhen Government, related       科學院的大力支持。
          counterparts and Colleges for this large-scale initiative.

          Rising Influence of Hong Kong Medical                        香港醫學雜誌影響力持續
          Journal                                                      增加

          An increase in impact factor of the Hong Kong Medical Journal   《香港醫學雜誌》的影響系數再度錄得增
          (HKMJ) was recorded again from 3.125 in 2021 to 3.7 in 2022.   長,由2021年的3.125上升至2022年的3.7。
          Furthermore,  the  Academy Press  planned  to  organise  another   此外,承接2021年至2022年的成功,醫專
          series of research workshop next year riding on the success   出版社計劃在明年再度舉辦醫學研究技
          during 2021-2022. Application for funding was submitted, and the   能培訓工作坊系列。資助申請已提交至相
          funding was preliminarily confirmed to be secured recently. We   關部門,並在近期初步確認獲得資助。我
          look  forward  to  the  subsequent  development  of  HKMJ,  as  well   們期待香港醫學雜誌往後發展,以及在院
          as medical research and study among our Fellows and specialist   士和專科培訓學員間推動醫學研究和學
          trainees.                                                    習。

          Conclusion of HKJC DPRI                                      香港賽馬會災難防護應變教

          The Academy established The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster   醫專在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨捐
          Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJC DPRI) in 2014      贈下,於2014年成立香港賽馬會災難防護
          with the generous donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club    應變教研中心(教研中心)。2022年底,教
          Charities Trust. In late 2022, HKJC DPRI proudly concluded its   研中心完成這個項目,於兩個階段達到不
          projects with different goals in promoting disaster preparedness   同促進防災應變的目標。過去八年間,教
          and responses achieved in the two project phases. Throughout   研中心在第一階段至少舉辦十五類活動,
          the past eight years, HKJC DPRI served more than 60,000      讓超過六萬名人士受益。中心在第二階段
          beneficiaries with at least 15 categories of activities in phase 1,   提供更多種類的活動,受益人超過十九萬
          and over 191,000 beneficiaries with more variety of initiatives   一千名人士。藉此機會,我衷心感謝所有
          in phase 2. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all   創立和發展教研中心的醫生和持份者,他
          predecessors and stakeholders for their unwavering support,   們的堅定與支持讓這個項目得以順利完
          making this initiative happened and completed with great     成。這個項目會成為醫專發展的重要里程
          success. This project would definitely be one of the important   碑之一,充分體現醫專調動資源和開展公
          milestones in Academy’s development, which demonstrates      眾教育的能力。
          Academy’s competency in mobilising resources and carrying out
          public education.

                                                                                         香港醫學專科學院 2023 年度報告     7
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