Page 8 - Annual Report
P. 8

President’s Foreword 主席序言
            Promoting Doctor’s Well-being via                             籌辦專業及社交活動
            Professional and Social Activities                            推動醫生身心健康

            With continued promotion of the well-being initiatives, over 40   醫 專持 續推 廣 身心 健康 措 施。現時,逾
            Fellows, from both public and private practice, have registered   四十名、來自公營系統或私人執業的院
            as Peer Supporters under the Peer Supporter Scheme. In        士參與「同伴支持者計劃」,成為同伴支持
            addition, 6 sessions of quality mental health training programme   者。此外,自2021年底推出《身心健康約
            ‘Mindfulness Induction Group’ were held since the launch of Well-  章》,我們舉辦了六場「靜觀體驗小組」精
            being Charter in late 2021. We will continue to organise different   神健康培訓課程。我們將繼續舉辦不同
            kinds of events that promote physical and mental health of our   類型活動,促進不同年紀的院士之身心健
            Fellows at all ages. The recruitment of Peer Supporters is on-  康。同伴支持者的招募工作正在進行,我
            going, and I hope more Fellows would join to help strengthen the   期望更多院士加入,攜手守護醫學╱牙科
            medical / dental specialist community.                        專科醫生社群的身心健康。

            During the reporting year, the Social Subcommittee also       報告年度內,社交小組委員會亦舉辦多項
            organised various wellness-enhancing activities to support    推動健康的活動,以支持醫專提倡促進醫
            Academy’s advocacy of promoting doctors’ well-being. In addition   生身心健康。除了茶聚和高爾夫球比賽
            to tea gatherings and golf tournament, an organic farm visit   外,小組委員會還籌辦有機資源回收中心
            was arranged to encourage Fellows and specialist trainees     與農田親子體驗日,鼓勵院士和專科培訓
            to connect with the nature and spend leisure time with their   學員接觸大自然,與家人共度休閒時光。
            families.  The Subcommittee also invited an Olympic athlete to   小組委員會亦邀請到奧運選手就如何面
            share some inspirational experiences with Fellows and trainees   對生活挑戰和管理壓力進行分享,隨後的
            on  how  to  face  challenges  in  life  and  manage  stress,  followed   燒烤晚宴為參與者提供不少交流機會。這
            by a barbecue dinner, offering an opportunity for participants to   次活動吸引了網上和現場參與者,反應熱
            connect with other colleagues. The event attracted both online   烈。我們期待身心健康專責小組和社交小
            and onsite participants with positive responses. We look forward   組委員會之間發揮更多協同作用,為改善
            to more synergies between the  Task Force on  Well-being and   醫生身心健康共同努力。
            Subcommittee, working together for the betterment of doctors’
            well-being in the coming future.

            More engagement of Young Fellows Chapter                      更多年青院士分會的參與

            The Academy appreciated the continued efforts of Young Fellows   醫專讚賞年青院士分會繼續透過舉辦社
            Chapter (YFC) in strengthening relationships between Fellows   交和教育活動,加強不同專科的院士之間
            from different specialties through organising both social and   的關係。分會製作的「心靈雞湯」和跨專科
            educational activities.  The production of  ‘Chicken Soup for the   教育影片讓觀眾更了解不同專科,有助加
            doctor’s soul’ and cross-specialty educational videos let viewers   強院士的職場溝通技巧。醫專會繼續支持
            have more understanding on different specialities which helps   分會工作,並期待分會舉辦更多聯繫院士
            enhance workplace communications. The  Academy would keep     的活動。
            rendering its support, and looks forward to more connecting
            activities organised by the YFC.

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