Page 7 - Annual Report
P. 7
President’s Foreword 主席序言
Continued Efforts to Develop 持續發展專業及道德倫理領域
Professionalism and Ethics
In this reporting year, the Academy, with devoted efforts of the 在本報告年內,醫專發布一份《醫生和牙
Professionalism and Ethics Committee (PEC), published the Best 醫使用社交媒體的良好作業指引》。在此
Practice Guidelines on the Use of Social Media by Doctors and 感謝專業及道德倫理委員會一直不遺餘
Dentist. The Best Practice Guidelines for Expert Witnesses would 力。專家證人的良好作業指引將於2023年
be issued in October 2023. 10月發布。
Since the establishment of PEC in March 2019, 14 events were 專業及道德倫理委員會自2019年3月成立
completed with a total number of participations exceeding 3,700. 以來,已完成十四場活動,總參與人數逾
The Academy is delighted to gain support from various experts 三千七百人。醫專很榮幸得到來自各政府
from government bodies, institutions, and organisations such 部門、不同的院校和機構之專家的支持,
as the former Food and Health Bureau, Department of Justice 如前食物及衞生局、律政司、衞生署、醫
(DoJ), Department of Health, Hospital Authority (HA), Li Ka Shing 管局、香港大學李嘉誠醫學院、香港大律
Faculty of Medicine of University of Hong Kong (HKUMed), Hong 師公會、法律界及病人組織。這些活動亦
Kong Bar Association, the legal profession and patient group. 獲得國際和本地醫學界專家支持並出任
The events were also graced by the presence of renowned 講者。
international and local speakers.
To encourage and support research in genetic and genomic 為鼓勵和支持年青院士或高級專科培訓
medicine by young Fellows or higher specialist trainees, the 學員在遺傳和基因組醫學方面的研究,
Academy jointly introduced the HKAM-HKGI Research Excellence 醫專於2023年5月與香港基因組中心聯合
Grants in Genomic Medicine with the Hong Kong Genome 設立香港醫學專科學院-香港基因組中
Institute in May 2023. The grant would be awarded annually and 心基因組醫學卓越研究獎,每年會進行評
the Academy looks forward to the continuity of the grant in order 審並頒發獎項。醫專期望此研究獎得以延
to sustain medical research development in the future. 續,以支持醫學研究的長遠發展。
The number of PEC Task Force groups has expanded from 4 to 專業及道德倫理委員會轄下的工作小組
6 in response to the fast-changing medical environment. The 已由四個增至六個,以回應瞬息萬變的醫
Academy is pleased to witness the growth of Professionalism 療環境。醫專很高興見證熱心的院士和不
and Ethics with tireless efforts from our passionate Fellows and 同持份者的共同努力,讓專業及道德倫理
different stakeholders. Other than the Academy’s work, we are 這個範疇得以發展。除了內部工作,我們
also concerned about related issues in the community. In early 亦關注社會相關議題。2023年初,醫專得
2023, the Academy noted the decision to prosecute two doctors 悉一宗兩名醫生因2017年一名病人死亡
for manslaughter over the death of a patient in 2017, which 而遭起訴誤殺的案件。此案件引起醫學界
drew much attention and concerns in the medical professional 和公眾的廣泛關注和擔憂。為釐清檢控政
communities and the public. To seek clarification on the 策,醫專致函律政司,並就我們的立場和
prosecutorial policy, the Academy sent a letter to DoJ, and raise 同儕的憂慮提出相關建議。儘管案件於
relevant suggestions with consideration of the Academy’s views 2023年8月底撤銷,醫專會繼續了解社會
and peers’ concerns. Although the case was dropped in late 上與醫學法律相關的事件,在適當的情況
August 2023, the Academy would stay updated to these medico- 下回應或採取適切的行動。
legal-related issues, and see if Academy has to take any actions
as appropriate.
香港醫學專科學院 2023 年度報告 5