Page 6 - Annual Report
P. 6
President’s Foreword 主席序言
Early this year, the emergence of ChatGPT and other generative 本年初,聊天生成預訓練轉換器ChatGPT
AI tools, raised concerns in the education sector and extensive 等生成式人工智能工具成為焦點,引起
discussions. To offer its specialist trainees with clear stance about 教育界的關注和廣泛討論。為了向專科
using related technological tools, the Academy developed and 培訓學員表明醫專對使用相關工具的立
launched the ‘Policy on using Large Language Model (LLM) or 場,醫專於2023年8月制定並推出一套「使
similar technologies in written assignments of specialist trainees’ 用大型語言模型或相關技術輔助寫作作
in August 2023. The policy provides guidelines to specialist 業」的指引。該指引讓專科培訓學員在準
trainees to observe when completing written assignments for 備考試或評核作業時遵循。專業及道德
examination or assessment purposes. Further guidelines relating 倫理委員會下的相關工作小組明年會進
to ethical use of AI tools in clinical settings would be developed 一步制定有關於臨床環境中合乎道德倫
by the relevant task force under the Professionalism and Ethics 理規範下使用人工智能工具的指引。
Committee (PEC) in the coming year.
Launch of Online Learning and Teaching 推出網上教學平台
After the COVID-19 pandemic, online platform has become one 2019冠狀病毒病疫情後,網上平台成為
of the popular channels for learning and teaching as it offers 學習和教學的主要渠道之一,它提供更
greater flexibility and supports learner autonomy. In view of 高的靈活性,同時支持學習自主。有見及
this, the Academy launched the Learning Management System 此,醫專於2022年10月推出醫專學習管理
(eHKAM LMS), together with a new eHKAM Portal that integrates 系統及整合各項網上系統或實用功能的
various online systems or useful functions, in October 2022 to 綜合性資訊管理系統「eHKAM」,提供電
provide e-Learning resources and virtual learning experience. 子學習資源和虛擬學習體驗。院士可追
Fellows can track their training progress, review recordings 蹤自己的培訓進度、重溫醫專所組織的
of CME / CPD activities organised by the Academy, complete 延續醫學教育╱持續專業發展活動的錄
CME / CPD quizzes and other useful functions. Self-study can 像、進行延續醫學教育╱持續專業發展
be conducted anytime and anywhere with digital devices and 測驗,以及使用其他實用的功能。院士只
internet access, and coverage of Academy’s CME / CPD activities 需透過電子設備和網路,便可隨時隨地
can be maximised even when Fellows cannot attend the event on 進行自學。此外,即使院士無法在活動當
the scheduled date. Other than bringing convenience to learners, 天參加活動,亦可以在平台重溫錄像,讓
trainers are also given options to deliver their courses online that 延續醫學教育╱持續專業發展活動的覆
may reach more target audiences. By leveraging this new LMS 蓋率得以擴大。除了為學習者帶來便利,
platform, the Academy introduced an online training course for 培訓導師亦可選擇在網上提供課程,將
expert witnesses, with the support from the Centre for Medical 課程傳遞至更多潛在的參加者。醫專善
Ethics and Law of The University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong 用學習管理系統的優勢,並在香港大學
Bar Association, the Hong Kong Advocacy Training Council, the 醫學倫理與法律研究中心、香港大律師
Law Society of Hong Kong and the Medical Protection Society. 公會、香港訟辯培訓學會、香港律師會和
The course would continue to be open for registration, aiming to 醫療保障協會的支持下推出專家證人線
facilitate more Fellows and specialist trainees who are interested 上培訓課程。此課程會持續接受報名,讓
in the field to gain the necessary knowledge and skills from 更多對該範疇感興趣的院士及專科培訓
relevant professionals. 學員從相關專業人士的經驗中,獲得所
The newly completed Digital Production Studio was now in 位於醫專大樓三樓、新落成的數碼工作
operation on 3/F of the Academy Building. The fully-equipped studio 室現已投入使用。設備齊全的工作室有
facilitates the Academy, Colleges and Fellows to develop online 助醫專、分科學院和院士開發網上學習
learning and teaching resources, as well as conducting webinars. 和教學資源,以及舉辦網上研討會。
4 HKAM Annual Report 2023