Page 4 - Annual Report
P. 4

President’s Foreword


            President’s Foreword


                                                      The  Academy celebrates its 30  anniversary in 2023 with the
                                                      theme ‘Nurturing Specialists for 30 Years: Guarding the Health
                                                      of the Community’.  The slogan speaks for the  Academy’s
                                                      sustained efforts in safeguarding standards of professional
                                                      and ethical practices, and nurturing young leaders to look after
                                                      the health and wellness of Hong Kong citizens.  Taking this
                                                      opportunity, we reflect what we have achieved, reiterate our
                                                      core values, acknowledge the many efforts made and celebrate
                                                      the milestones reached since 1993.

                                                      We look forward to sustaining the momentum and keeping up
                                                      with exciting yet challenging developments that lie ahead.



            Entering Another Development Stage                            跨越轉變 踏入發展新階段
            Following Series of Changes

            Following years of COVID-19 pandemic, Hong Kong has gradually   在社會各界的共同努力下,香港從持續
            resumed normalcy with the joint efforts of different stakeholders   數年的2019冠狀病毒病疫情中逐步回復
            in the society. Medical professionals, being the frontliners fighting   正 常。醫護 人 員在 前線 奮 力抗 疫,他 們
            against the virus, deserve applause and great respect for their   的勇氣、專業和貢獻值得社會的掌聲和
            courage, professionalism and dedication. During the unexpectedly   尊重。這次意想不到而持久的突發公共
            long-lasting public health emergency, the  Academy has forged   衞生事件中,醫專在專科培訓和延續醫
            ahead with the Fellows and specialist trainees through the    學教育╱持續專業發展方面實行對應措
            implementation of responsive measures in specialist training   施,與院士和專科培訓學員前行。2023
            and continuing medical education / continuous professional    年,醫專踏入履行法定職能的第三十個
            development (CME / CPD). In the year 2023, the  Academy       年頭,就維持專科醫生水平擔任把關者
            enters its 30  year of playing the important statutory role of   的角色,並組織一系列慶祝和社交活動,
            a gate keeper in maintaining standards of specialists.  A series   匯聚院士和專科培訓學員。醫專將繼續
            of celebratory and social activities have also been organised to   回 顧過 去、規 劃未 來,寄 望邁 向另 一 階
            connect with Fellows and specialist trainees.  The  Academy will   段,提升專科培訓、大學本科以上程度之
            continue to review the past and plan for the future, hoping to   醫學教育和加強專科醫生同業的聯繫,
            move forward to another development stage for discharging     繼續履行法定職能。
            its statutory role through the advancement of specialist
            training, postgraduate medical education and medical specialist
            community as a whole.

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