Page 9 - Annual Report
P. 9
The Academy’s 30 anniversary 醫專成立三十年
The year 2023 marks the Academy’s 30 anniversary. A series of 2023 年是醫專成立三十周年。籌備委員
activities has been planned by the Organising Committee and 會及各小組委員會計劃一系列活動,並率
Subcommittees, with the Tripartite Medical Education Conference 先於2023年1月14日至15日與本地兩
co-organised with the two local medical faculties on 14-15 January 所醫學院合辦三方醫學教育會議。院士和
2023 as the kick-off event. I would like to encourage Fellows and 專科培訓學員要把握機會,踴躍參與各項
specialist trainees to join us to celebrate our 30 years of dedication 活動,一同慶祝醫專三十年來的努力和成
and achievements and participate in different exciting activities. 就。請留意醫專網站、Facebook 專頁
Stay tuned on the Academy’s website, Facebook page and eblast 和電郵推廣,了解更多活動詳情。
for more details.
The way forward 展望將來
In September 2021, the Academy held meetings with the then 2021 年 9 月,醫專與時任食物及衞生局
Secretary for Food and Health to exchange views and express 局長會面,就《2021 年醫生註冊(修訂)
concerns on the Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 2021. The 條例草案》交流意見及表達關注。條例草
Bill was subsequently passed, and a new pathway for admission of 案及後獲得通過,為非本地培訓醫生另闢
non-locally trained doctors was introduced. The Academy would 在港註冊、執業的途徑。 醫專會繼續履
continue its statutory role to safeguard the standards of specialists 行法定職責,保障在港執業的專科醫生的
practising in Hong Kong. In the year, the Academy started to help 專業水平。年內,醫專已協助審查特別註
vet qualifications of doctors and dentists applying for Special 冊申請人的專業資格。我們堅守香港專科
Registration. In the selection of potential overseas medical talents 培訓的水平,選拔具潛力的海外醫學人才
to become specialist trainees, we are committed to upholding the 成為本港的專科培訓學員。
standards of specialist training in Hong Kong.
We also need to urgently address the healthcare manpower 此外,我們需盡快改善香港醫療人手短
shortage problem in Hong Kong. At present, the Government 缺問題。現時,政府委託香港大學進行
assesses and forecasts manpower requirements for healthcare 研究,定期評估和推算醫護人員的人手需
professionals on a regular basis. The training capacity for 求。我們亦需提升專科培訓承載能力,以
specialties will have to be increased in response to the identified 配合相關發展。醫專教育辦公室擁有處理
manpower needs. The Academy’s Education Office, with teams 教育事務的專責團隊,為提供所需支援作
specialised in education affairs, will be ready to provide necessary 好準備。我們將繼續秉承使命和願景,推
support. The Academy will continue to uphold its mission and 動改善香港市民的健康護理。
vision to promote the improvement of health care for Hong Kong
I would like to sincerely thank the Past Presidents, Academy 我衷心感謝歷屆主席、院務委員會、分科
Councils, constituent Colleges, Fellows, as well as the Secretariat 學院、院士及秘書處同心協力,在過去一
for their concerted and devoted efforts to devise and implement 年成功制定和實施多項措施。讓我們與醫
a number of initiatives with great success. I invite all of you to 專攜手向前,繼續為香港發展可持續醫療
join the Academy in moving forward for the development of 體系努力,並帶着自豪和喜悅慶祝明年醫
sustainable healthcare system in Hong Kong as we celebrate 專成立三十周年。
together our Pearl Anniversary with pride and joy in the coming
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung 梁嘉傑教授
President 主席
6 HKAM Annual Report 2022 香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告 7