Page 5 - Annual Report
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Enhancing specialist training and postgraduate education     加強專科培訓和畢業後教育

              The Academy, as the statutory body tasked to uphold high     醫專作為維護醫學及牙科專科醫生水平的
              professional standards of medical and dental specialists,    法定機構,向來致力提供卓越的專科培
              always strives for excellence in provision of specialist training   訓、延續醫學教育和持續專業發展。有見
              and continuing medical education / continuous professional   醫學急速發展並帶來日益增長的需求,醫
              development (CME / CPD). Considering the growing demand      專正成立教育辦公室,透過整合不同教育
              resulting from the rapid medical development, the Academy is   職能的團隊,更好地協調教育資源,包括
              setting up an Education Office to collate teams with different   進一步發展香港賽馬會創新醫學模擬培訓
              educational functions, including further development of the Hong   中心(培訓中心),為發展醫學及牙科畢
              Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine (HKJC   業後教育和培訓項目提供專業支援服務。
              ILCM), with an aim to better coordinate relevant resources and   培訓中心將繼續為醫療護人員提供模擬學
              provide dedicated support to the overall development of initiatives   習體驗和研究機會。
              relating to postgraduate medical and dental education and
              training. The HKJC ILCM continues to promote simulation-based
              learning and research opportunities for healthcare professionals.

              Furthermore, a dedicated Educationist was appointed to plan   此外,醫專任命教育專員來規劃和審視分
              and review the training and education development of the     科學院及其培訓和教育方面的發展。憑藉
              Academy and its constituent Colleges. With the expertise of the   教育專員的專業知識,醫專將為不同專科
              Educationist, faculty development courses would be designed for   的院士和培訓學員籌辦導師發展課程,培
              Fellows and trainees of different specialties to better equip them   育他們成為導師,傳承醫學知識和技能。
              as trainers. Existing training curricula and assessment systems   教育專員亦會提供建議,逐步審視和改善
              of different specialties would also be reviewed and improved   現時各個專科的培訓課程和評核系統。

              Under the COVID-19 social distancing measures, in-person medical   儘管醫專在 2019 冠狀病毒病社交距離措
              training, examinations and events were affected to a certain extent   施下作出特別安排,實體培訓、考試和活
              despite the Academy’s efforts in rendering special arrangements.   動難免受到一定程度的影響。為滿足網上
              Responding to the surging need of online training and educational   培訓和教育活動的需求並與科技發展俱
              activities, as well as developing in pace with the technology   進,我們在醫專大樓三樓的梁銶琚醫學圖
              advancement, the Academy built a Digital Production Studio with   書館設立了配備專業級視聽器材的數碼工
              professional-grade audio-visual equipment inside the Leung Kau Kui   作室,以便醫專、分科學院和院士籌組網
              Medical Library located on the third floor of the Academy Building,   上研討會和其他醫療相關的網上活動、錄
              aiming to facilitate the Academy, Colleges and Fellows to organise   製音頻或視頻。該工作室計劃於本年度第
              webinars and healthcare-related online activities, as well as record   四季接受預約。
              audio or visual for multimedia production. The Studio is planned to be
              available for booking in the fourth quarter of 2022.

              Alongside the aforementioned initiatives to uplift Academy’s educational   在實行各項提升教育能力計劃的同時,醫
              capacity, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response   專將於今年 10 月結束為期八年的項目 —
              Institute (HKJCDPRI), set up by the Academy in 2014 with the generous   香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心(教研
              funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, would come   中心)。教研中心成立於 2014 年,受惠
              to a conclusion by the end of October 2022. The Academy is proud to   於香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的慷慨資助。
              have worked with different stakeholders in the community and overseas   醫專很榮幸在過去八年來與社會上各持份
              counterparts over the past 8 years in this project, including  government   者和海外醫療機構合作,包括政府部門、
              departments, universities and community organisations, to promote   大學和社區組織,以促進不同專業領域和
              disaster preparedness across different professions and the territory, as   地區的防災意識,並通過各種活動和網上
              well as build people’s resilience to respond to disasters through various   平台加強市民的災害應變能力。藉此,我
              events and online platforms. I would like to take this opportunity to   衷心感謝各持份者和秘書處同事多年來對
              thank our different stakeholders and colleagues for their contributions or   教研中心工作的貢獻和支持,為醫專的發
              support for HKJCDPRI’s work over the years.                  展記下重要的一頁。

 2  HKAM Annual Report 2022                                                        香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告               3
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