Page 6 - Annual Report
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Significant progress in credentialling system and            資歷認證制度和專業及道德倫理的重
          professionalism and ethics                                   要發展

          The Academy has continued its effort to develop the credentialling   近年,醫專致力發展資歷認證制度,認可
          system to recognise professional competence in some high-risk   高風險醫療程序的專業能力,以維護醫學
          medical procedures, uphold high professional standards of medical   及牙科專科醫生的專業水平和病人的安
          and dental practitioners, and ensure patient safety. In January   全。2022 年 1 月,我們推出《血管內神
          2022, the set of “Guidelines on Credentialling for Endovascular   經介入技術程序資歷認證指引》。五十九
          Neurointerventional Procedures” was implemented. Fifty-nine   名專科醫生的資歷經審核及院務委員會的
          specialists were vetted and exempted from initial credentialling   批准下獲「豁免初始認證程序」。
          for Endovascular Neurointerventional Procedures as endorsed by
          the Academy Council.
          For professionalism and ethics, the Academy published the Best   專業及道德倫理方面,醫專在此報告期內
          Practice Guidelines on Genetic and Genomic Medicine and that   發佈了遺傳學及基因組學的良好作業指引
          on Disclosure, Apology and Alternative Dispute Resolution in this   和披露、道歉及非訴訟解紛的良好作業指
          reporting period; the Best Practice Guidelines on Social Media   引。制訂社交媒體良好作業指引的工作亦
          is being finalised. We trust that these guidelines would offer   進入最後階段。我們相信這些指引會為醫
          helpful guidance and advice for the healthcare professionals in the   護人員提供有用的指導和建議,讓他們具
          delivery of quality medical services.                        備專業能力向病人提供優質的醫療服務。

          In addition, the Task Force on Laws for Healthcare Practitioners   此外,醫療人員相關法律專責小組將於
          will launch an online training course for expert witnesses in   10 月舉辦專家證人網上培訓課程,旨在
          October, aiming to build specialists’ and trainees’ capacity in   培育專科醫生及專科培訓學員擔任專家證
          serving as expert witnesses for provision of related services in   人,以其專業知識服務社會。該課程將
          the community with their expertise. The course allows self-paced   上載於醫專新開發的「網上學習管理系
          learning, and will be available on the new eHKAM LMS platform.  統」,並以自主學習模的式推行。

          Better educational services and learning experience          提升教育服務和學習體驗

          To enhance educational services and learning experience for   為提升院士的教育服務及學習體驗,醫專
          Fellows, the Academy is developing a comprehensive information   正全力開發名為「eHKAM」的綜合性資
          management system named eHKAM in full swing, with several    訊管理系統,結合多項應用程式並採用單
          applications and Single Sign-On function incorporated. The   一登入功能。同時,我們正開發一個嶄新
          Academy is also developing a new online learning management   的「網上學習管理系統」,提供更多電子
          system, named eHKAM LMS. More e-learning resources and virtual   及虛擬教學資源,支援延續醫學教育/持
          learning solutions would be delivered to facilitate continuing   續專業發展、專科培訓及公眾教育。
          medical education / continuous professional development,
          specialist training and public education.

          The Academy will continue to discharge its statutory role in   醫專將繼續履行提供延續醫學教育/持續
          provision of CME / CPD activities, developing different initiatives   專業發展活動的法定職能,為院士和專科
          for its Fellows and specialist trainees.                     培訓學員制訂不同的發展計劃。

    4       HKAM Annual Report 2022                                                                                                                                                                       香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告               5
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