Page 4 - Annual Report
P. 4
President’s Foreword
With the unswerving support from my fellow Council members amid
the COVID-19 epidemic as well as challenges faced by the profession,
this year is filled with significant progress and achievements in many
aspects. The Academy has continued to perform its unique statutory
role in providing medical and dental specialist training, continuing
medical education and continuous professional development in Hong
Kong, as well as deliver on its commitment to promote and improve
the health care for Hong Kong citizens.
Forging ahead in the face of opportunities 在機遇中前行
While the COVID-19 pandemic lingers on over the past few years, 過去數年,醫專在疫情持續期間建立了韌
the Academy has grown stronger with resilience and responsiveness 性和處理各種影響的應變能力,變得更為
to disruptions. In 2022, the Academy implemented a series of 強大。我們在 2022 年實施各項防疫措施,
precautionary measures to fight against the virus, and at the same 對抗疫情。與此同時,我們在教育及非學
time made remarkable progress in several education-related and non- 術方面取得顯著的進展,促進院士和專科
academic initiatives for the interest of Fellows, specialist trainees and 培訓學員的發展及市民的利益。隨着大部
the general public. With most challenges turned into opportunities, 份挑戰轉化成為機遇,醫專砥礪前行,繼
the Academy forges ahead to advance its development, and to 續推動各項發展,並為迎接明年醫專成立
prepare for its 30 Anniversary in the coming year. 三十周年作好準備。
Continued efforts to fighting against COVID-19 epidemic 持續應對 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情
The Academy and its constituent Colleges have continued to render 醫專及其分科學院在疫情期間一如既往為
support to Fellows and specialist trainees to ensure their learning 院士和專科培訓學員提供支援,確保他們
and training would not be unduly disrupted during the epidemic. 的學習和培訓不過度受到影響。我們就專
Flexible arrangements on training and assessment were given 科培訓和評估方面提供靈活安排,在保持
to specialist trainees while maintaining the required standards, 專科培訓學員水平的同時,減低 2019 冠
minimising the effects of COVID-19 on their training progress. 狀病毒病對培訓進度的影響。此外,我們
Also, we facilitated organising examinations for specialist trainees 為籌組專科考試提供協助,以確保專科培
to ensure that they can pursue career advancement as specialists 訓學員能按原訂計劃完成培訓,在職業生
without deferment. 涯上進而成為專科醫生。
To fight against the epidemic together with the community, the 醫專亦與社區攜手抗疫,呼籲院士自願出
Academy appealed to Fellows to volunteer to be trainers or supporters 任 2019 冠狀病毒疫苗接種計劃和普及社
in the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and Universal Community 區檢測計劃的導師或支援者,並在外展小
Testing Programme, as well as to provide other forms of medical 組或指定中心提供其他形式的醫療支援。
support in outreach teams or at designated centres. Moreover, the 同時,醫專與其分科學院肩負責任向公眾
Academy and its constituent Colleges shouldered the responsibilities 發佈有關疫情的重要資訊,並透過各種參
to communicate COVID-19-related messages, as well as encouraged 與活動鼓勵市民盡早接種疫苗。
early vaccination, through public engagement activities.
2 HKAM Annual Report 2022 香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告 3