Page 7 - Annual Report
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Promoting well-being of Fellows and specialist trainees      推廣院士及專科培訓學員的身心健康

              Doctors’ wellbeing and quality patient care goes hand in hand. In   醫生的身心健康和優質醫療服務息息相
              October 2021, the Academy launched the Well-being Charter with   關。醫專在 2021 年 10 月發起《身心健
              an aim to promote well-being of our Fellows, specialist trainees,   康約章》,旨在促進院士、專科培訓學員
              and medical and dental professionals as a whole in contributing   以至整個醫護行業的身心健康,藉以提高
              towards high quality and effective patient care. The Academy   醫療服務質素。醫專提倡醫療專業人員透
              advocates healthcare professionals to prevent stress and burnout   過「ASAP」模式 — 即認知關注、自助、
              through an “ASAP approach” – Awareness, Self-care, Ask for help   求助及推廣身心健康來預防壓力和避免過
              and Promotion of well-being.                                 度勞累。

              In the year, several activities promoting well-being were conducted   年內,身心健康專責小組致力開展各項推
              with the efforts of the Task Force on Well-being. A designated   廣身心健康的活動。醫專特別製作專題網
              webpage was launched with useful information, assessment tool   頁,提供實用的信息、評估工具和建議;
              and recommendations available; the Peer Support Scheme was   推出同伴支持者計劃,為自願成為同伴支
              initiated with training provided to the volunteer Peer Supporters;   持者的院士提供培訓;並舉辦「靜觀體驗
              and the mental health training programme “Mindfulness Induction   小組」精神健康培訓。
              Group" was conducted.

              In addition, the Academy’s Social Subcommittee provides a    此外,醫專的社交小組委員會舉辦不同活
              platform to engage Fellows, helping them to handle stress arising   動,包括園藝和瑜伽工作坊,以及有關壓
              from work or other sources through various activities, such as   力管理的講座等,協助院士處理來自工作
              gardening and yoga workshops, as well as talks about stress   或其他來源的壓力。我很高興年青院士分
              management. I am pleased to see the Young Fellows Chapter has   會亦提倡身心健康,透過製作「心靈雞
              also participated in this advocacy, and produced episodes of the   湯」故事錄音,與同儕分享工作上的所見
              ‘Chicken Soup for the Doctor’s Soul’ to bring insights and positive   所聞,發放正能量。
              energy through sharing stories in the workplace.

              Hong Kong Medical Journal and Training Workshops for         《香港醫學雜誌》和醫學研究技能培
              Medical Research Skills                                      訓工作坊

              The Journal Impact Factor for the Hong Kong Medical Journal   《香港醫學雜誌》(雜誌)的影響系數
              (HKMJ) has further increased from 2.227 (in 2020) to 3.125 (in   從 2.227(2020 年)進一步上升至 3.125
              2021), showing positive influence of HKMJ in the field of medical   (2021 年),反映雜誌在醫學研究領域
              research. The Academy would continue its effort to develop the   的影響力。醫專將繼續透過多項措施發展
              journal through various initiatives, including collaborations with   《香港醫學雜誌》,包括與海外期刊合作
              overseas journals to expand HKMJ’s coverage in Hong Kong and   及進一步在香港以至海外地區拓展雜誌。
              across the globe. Some HKMJ articles are now disseminated    現時,部份刊登在雜誌的文章會上載到社
              through social media platforms, including the HKMJ Twitter page   交媒體平台,包括 2022 年 5 月推出的推
              launched in May 2022, to proactively promote its published articles   特專頁,主動向各地醫療專業人士推廣
              to more medical professionals beyond geographical boundaries.  《香港醫學雜誌》。

              With the funding of Professional Services Advancement        此外,醫專獲得政府專業服務協進支援計
              Support Scheme from the Government, the Academy organised    劃的資助,舉辦並完成四場「醫學研究技
              and completed four ‘Enhancing Professional Research Skills   能培訓工作坊」,以提高院士在醫學研究
              Workshops’ to enhance Fellows’ competency in medical research.   的能力。每場工作坊教授從準備研究計劃
              Each workshop comprises four modules, delivering knowledge   到發佈研究結果共四個範疇的知識和技
              and skills from preparation of a research plan to dissemination   能。醫專會考慮為更多有興趣研讀此範疇
              of research findings. The Academy will consider developing more   的院士籌辦更多實用的工作坊。
              practical research-related workshops for more Fellows who are
              interested to develop his / her skills in this area.

 4  HKAM Annual Report 2022                                                        香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告               5
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