Page 8 - Annual Report
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Notable progress in the development of specialist 深圳專科培訓的顯著發展
training in Shenzhen
With great support from the Shenzhen Government, the Executive 在深圳市政府大力支持下,醫專的深港醫
Committee established under the Academy’s SZ-HK Medical 學專科培訓中心(中心)執行委員會通過
Specialist Training Centre approved specialist training proposals 數個專科培訓方案,包括急診科、婦產
of a number of different specialties, which include Emergency 科、臨床腫瘤科和腎內科。為準備推行專
Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oncology and Nephrology. 科培訓課程,中心組織了二十多場不同專
To prepare for the launch of specialist training programme, over 科的導師培訓課程和專科培訓研討會,並
20 “Train-the-Trainer” workshops and seminars were organised 完成深圳市首批專科培訓基地認證工作。
for trainers of different specialties, and accreditation for the first 中心正籌備於 2022 年第四季進行招生,
batch of specialist training base in Shenzhen was conducted. 並發展其他專科的培訓方案。藉此機會,
The Centre is preparing for admission of trainees in the fourth 我感謝深圳市政府、深圳市相關部門及分
quarter of 2022, and working on training proposals for some other 科學院攜手促進深圳專科培訓發展。憑藉
specialties. May I take this opportunity to thank the Shenzhen 醫專將近三十年在港發展醫學及牙科專科
Government, counterparts in Shenzhen and Academy Colleges 培訓的經驗,我們會為此項目及其他相關
for the concerted effort to fostering the development of specialist 發展作出更多貢獻。
training in Shenzhen. We look forward to more contributions
riding on our nearly 30-year experience in developing medical and
dental specialist training in Hong Kong.
Maintaining global networking 延續全球聯繫網絡
The Academy continues to maintain collaboration and relationships 醫專繼續與海外醫療相關機構保持緊密聯
with overseas counterparts. The Academy established 12-year 繫和合作。醫專與新加坡醫學專科學院和
close relationships with the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, and 馬來西亞醫學專科學院的合作關係邁進第
the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia. The three academies co- 十二個年頭。今年,我們合辦第四屆三方
organised the 4 AMM-AMS-HKAM Tripartite Congress this year, 會議。同時,醫專幹事及分科學院院長
and Academy Officers and College Presidents participated in the 於 7 月份在網上參與第五十五屆馬來西亞
55 Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine online in July 2022. 及新加坡醫學聯合會議。此外,醫專代表
Moreover, the Academy continued the representation in overseas 繼續出任海外醫學組織如國際持續專業發
associations relating to medical specialist education, such as the 展認證學院和國際醫療監管機構協會的委
International Academy for CPD Accreditation and the International 員,以確立醫專在國際醫療上的影響力,
Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities, to maintain 並就醫學相關議題交流意見。
international exposure and exchange insights in medical related
Striving for excellence in governance 追求卓越的管治
The Academy introduced a gender diversity policy at Council 醫專在院務委員的層面推動性別多元化政
level to encourage the consideration of gender diversity in 策,鼓勵醫專及其分科學院在組織架構及
the structures and conduction of activities of Academy and its 開展活動時考慮性別多元性的因素,接納
constituent Colleges, aiming to enhance decision-making through 來自不同性別和背景醫生的參與和見解,
the engagement of a wide range of insights and experiences from 提高決策中的表現。
members of different genders and backgrounds.
Additionally, template for declaration of interest by examiners 醫專亦制定了供考官申報利益的範本,提
was formulated at the Academy’s level to raise the awareness of 高考官對同時履行相關職責與參與培訓活
potential conflicts of interest when performing examiners’ duties 動潛在利益衝突的意識。
and engaging in training activities at the same time.
6 HKAM Annual Report 2022 香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告 7