Page 14 - Annual Report
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Certificates of Excellence for Distinguished Young Fellows 傑出年青院士獎狀
A total of 17 and 21 young Fellows were nominated as 合共十七位及二十一位醫專年青院士分別
Distinguished Young Fellows 2020 and 2021 respectively. During 獲提名為 2020 及 2021 年度傑出年青院
the ceremony, Certificates of Excellence were presented to 2020 士。在本年度儀式上,醫專頒發獎狀予
and 2021 Distinguished Young Fellows of the Academy. 2020 及 2021 年傑出年青院士。
Prize for Best Original Paper Award (BOPA) 最佳原創論文獎
The award, presented by the Editorial Board of the Hong Kong 《香港醫學雜誌》編輯委員會設立最佳原
Medical Journal, encourages high-quality original writing by 創論文獎,旨在鼓勵醫生撰寫高質素的原
doctors. As the Academy’s conferment ceremony had to be held 創文章。由於 2020 年的頒授儀式改以網
virtually last year due to COVID-19, the medals were presented to 上形式進行,醫專在本年度儀式上頒發獎
the 2020 awarded author teams in the ceremony, followed by the 項予 2020 年及 2021 的獲獎團隊。2021
medal presentation to the 2021 awardees. This year’s awarded 年獲獎的作者團隊如下:
author teams were as follows:
Awardee (Academy College) Title of the Paper
得獎者 (分科學院) 論文題目
Dr. Man-yee Man and her co-authors (Physicians) Impact of appropriate empirical antibiotics on clinical
文敏儀醫生及其共同作者(內科) outcomes in Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteraemia
Dr. Michael Tiong-hong Co and his co-authors Clinical outcomes of patients with ductal carcinoma
(Surgeons) in situ in Hong Kong: 10-year territory-wide cancer
許長峯醫生及其共同作者(外科) registry study
Dr. Olivia Yiu-man Chan and her co-authors Expanded carrier screening using next-generation
(Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) sequencing of 123 Hong Kong Chinese families: a pilot
陳耀敏醫生及其共同作者(婦產科) study
Prize for Best Original Research by Young Fellows (BORYF) 最佳年青院士原創研究獎
This prize aims to recognise excellence in research conducted by 此獎項旨在表揚醫專年青院士在研究上
young Fellows of the Academy. Awardees of the year 2020 and 的傑出表現。儀式上,醫專頒發獎項予
2021 were recognised in the ceremony. Results of the 2021 Prize 2020 及 2021 年度得獎團隊。2021 年最
for Best Original Research by Young Fellows were as follows: 佳年青院士原創研究獎的結果如下:
12 HKAM Annual Report 2022 香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告 13