Page 22 - Annual Report
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Amid the COVID-19 epidemic, the Committee has worked hard    2019 冠狀病毒病疫情期間,教育委員會與
          with the Colleges to minimise the impacts on the provision of CME   各分科學院積極合作,減低疫情對提供延續
          / CPD activities for Fellows and specialist trainees to update their   醫學教育/持續專業發展活動予院士及專科
          knowledge and skills. Organising webinars and other forms of   培訓學員汲收知識和技巧的影響。疫情下,
          online training activities have become the ‘new normal’. Relevant   網絡研討會及其他形式的網上教學活動已成
          policies for safeguarding the quality of online CME / CPD activities   為「新常態」,委員會制訂舉辦網上教學活
          were formulated.                                             動的相關政策,確保活動的質素。

          CME Subcommittee                                             延續醫學教育小組委員會

          Since 2001, the Medical Council of Hong Kong has launched the   香港醫務委員會自 2001 年起為普通科醫
          ‘CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME   生推行自願延續醫學教育計劃。醫專獲香
          Programme for Specialists’. The Academy has been appointed   港醫務委員會委任為計劃下的評審單位、
          as Programme Accreditor, Administrator and Provider of the   管理員及提供者。醫專教育委員會轄下的
          Programme. The CME Subcommittee formed under the Education   延續醫學教育小組委員會負責監管計劃之
          Committee oversees matters related to the Programme, vets and   相關事項及審批延續醫學教育課程學分,
          awards CME points for activities organised by CME providers.   並在分科學院的支持下,每年特別為此計
          The Academy also plans and offers dedicated CME activities   劃的登記者籌劃及提供延續醫學教育活
          for registrants of the Programme every year with support from   動。
          constituent Colleges.

          As of 31 August 2022, 533 doctors registered for the Academy’s   截至 2022 年 8 月 31 日,五百三十三名醫
          Programme through the constituent Colleges.                  生通過分科學院向醫專登記參與此計劃。

          Although the COVID-19 epidemic continued to pose various     儘管在過去一年疫情帶來各種挑戰,
          kinds of challenges during the past year, 3,160 hours of CME   醫 專 在2021年9月1日 至2022年8
          activities, including those delivered online and those organised by   月 31 日期間,向非醫專院士提供合共
          the constituent Colleges, were available for non-Fellows from 1   三千一百六十小時的延續醫學教育活動,
          September 2021 to 31 August 2022. Details are as follows.    當中包括網上教學活動及由分科學院舉辦

           Category                                  Number of Activities      CME Hours
           類別                                        活動數目                      延續醫學教育時數(小時)

           Conference / Lecture / Meeting / Seminar/Symposium  1,416           2,832

           Course                                    98                        196

           Discussion                                19                        38

           Self-study                                30                        60
           Workshop                                  17                        34

           Total                                     1,580                     3,160

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