Page 27 - Annual Report
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The eHKAM will be launched with the Single Sign-On (SSO)     「eHKAM」將同時融入單一登入技術。
              technology. With the use of SSO technology, Fellows will be   院士只須通過認證伺服器的身份辨識一
              able to access multiple applications on the eHKAM conveniently   次,就能使用系統內多個應用程式及各項
              through authentication one time only. A dedicated email address   便利的網上服務。登記為「eHKAM」用
              will be provided to Academy Fellows who registered for an eHKAM   戶的院士會獲分配一個專屬的醫專電郵地
              account for personal use.                                    址供個人使用。

              Membership Services and Benefits                             會員服務及優惠

              The Academy has always been committed to strengthening       醫專一向致力凝聚院士,加強他們對醫專
              resilience and sense of belonging among Fellows. During 2021-  的歸屬感。2021-2022 年度期間,社交小
              2022, the Social Subcommittee organised various activities that   組委員會籌辦多元化的活動,提供渠道來
              provided opportunities for Fellows to engage in and connect   加強院士之間的聯繫和互動,當中包括瑜
              with one another. Activities included online yoga and stretching   伽和伸展網上教學、高爾夫球比賽、烹飪
              tutorials, golf tournament, culinary class, tea gathering on   班,以及母親節茶敘等。2021 年推出的
              Mother’s Day and many more. The programme ‘Friends of        醫專園地農友計劃亦深受院士歡迎,他們
              Academy Gardening Corner’, which was launched in 2021,       享受有機種植的樂趣,喜見收成。
              received overwhelming response from Fellows who enjoy organic
              gardening and the produce they harvested.

              An Academy Building photography competition was held in 2021,   醫專大樓攝影比賽於 2021 年順利舉行,
              with the results announced and the prizes presented at the   當中不乏佳作,比賽結果及獎項已於第廿
              28  Annual Fellowship Conferment Ceremony. Several quality   八屆院士頒授儀式上公布及頒發,小組委
              submissions were received. The Subcommittee appreciated the   員會感謝院士及專科培訓學員的參與。以
              participation of Fellows and specialist trainees. The following are   下為得獎名單及其作品:
              the winners and their entries.

 24  HKAM Annual Report 2022                                                       香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告              25
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