Page 18 - Annual Report
P. 18

Council and Committee Reports


           Council                                                     院務委員會

           The Council comprises 27 members, including 6 Officers, 15 Ex Officio   院務委員會由廿七名委員組成,其中包括六
           Members (President of each Academy College), 5 Elected Council   名幹事、十五名當然委員(各分科學院院
           Members and the Immediate Past President. The 2-year term of the   長)、五名選任委員,以及上屆主席。六名
           6 new Officers began on 18 December 2020. Business transacted   成功當選的幹事之任期由 2020 年 12 月 18 日
           at the regular Council meetings mainly included certification for   開始,為期兩年。院務委員會處理的事務主
           specialist registration; endorsement of committee papers and   要包括通過專科註冊的申請、通過轄下各委
           reports; deliberation on different healthcare policies and consultation;   員會提交的文件及報告、就不同醫療政策及
           consideration of mainland China and overseas collaborations as well   諮詢進行討論、審視與內地和海外學院的合
           as matters related to specialist training programmes and continuous   作機會,以及討論專科培訓課程及持續專業
           professional development.                                   發展事宜等。

                                      Number of Council meetings held
                                        院務委員會會議次數                        11

                                            (09/2020 - 08/2021)

           The Council also made submissions to the Government in response   院務委員會亦不時就香港特區政府倡議的醫
           to the healthcare policies or public health concerns with views from   療衞生政策及 / 或涉及公共衞生項目聽取分
           respective Academy Colleges sought and scope for enhancement   科學院的意見,並提出可予改善的範疇。

           To enhance software and hardware provision for medical / dental   為確保醫學 / 牙科專科教育和培訓軟件和硬
           specialist education and training, written submissions were made   件的互配,醫專就政府 2020 施政報告提交意
           in response to 2020 Policy Address to reiterate the importance of   見書,重申專科醫生人力規劃的重要性、增
           healthcare manpower planning, the necessity of designated resources   撥資源予以檢視培訓課程及其考核框架、憑
           and funding for postgraduate medical education, the proposed   藉現有模擬中心的發展設立「醫學專科教育
           establishment of a "Postgraduate Medical Education Office", the   辦公室」、推廣醫生身心健康、完善基層醫
           enhancement of doctors' well-being, the development of primary   療,以及協助發展內地專科培訓工作等。醫
           healthcare and the continued support in development of specialist   專成功獲得政府一次性的項目撥款,以建立
           training in mainland China. The Academy successfully obtained a   網上學習平台。
           one-off project funding from the Government for supporting the
           development of an online learning management system.

           During COVID-19 pandemic, a number of initiatives were implemented   在 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情下,醫專推出多項措
           to appeal for early COVID-19 vaccination. Colleges made joint efforts   施鼓勵大眾盡快接種疫苗。分科學院聯合發
           to issue press statements and hold media interviews to clear public   表聲明、舉行記者會,以釋除公眾對疫苗的
           misconceptions about vaccines. As commissioned by the Government,   錯誤觀念。醫專受政府委託,與香港護理專
           the Academy, in collaboration with Hong Kong Academy of Nursing   科學院共同組織網上培訓,並由醫院管理局
           and Hospital Authority, co-organised online training and practical   協助提供實務培訓予在社區疫苗接種中心工
           training sessions for healthcare workers participating in the COVID-19   作的醫護人員。
           vaccination programme.

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