Page 19 - Annual Report
P. 19

For other medical related issues, the Academy continued to play its   在其他醫療議題上,醫專繼續積極向政府和
           active roles in sharing opinions with the Government and relevant   有關持份者發表意見。醫專亦繼續支持香港
           key stakeholders. The Academy had extended its continued support   吸煙與健康委員會,敦促政府全面禁止另類
           in the appeal for total ban of alternative smoking products, raising   吸煙產品、增加相關稅項、規管銷售及宣傳
           tobacco tax, as well as controlling the sale and promotion of all tobacco   所有煙草產品等。
           products initiated by the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health.

           Officials of the Government and representatives of organisations and   院務委員會不時邀請香港特區政府的官員和
           institutions are invited to meet the Council on several occasions, mainly   組織 / 機構的代表,出席院務委員會會議。
           to provide background information or share details with members   主要目的是與各委員分享指定議程項目的相
           concerning specific agenda items that required Academy Colleges'   關資訊,而該等項目可能需要分科學院的參
           involvement or members' inputs.                             與或委員的意見。

           Healthcare manpower shortage in the public sector continues to persist.   醫療人手短缺問題持續。政府向立法會提交
           The Government has introduced the Medical Registration (Amendment)   《2021 年醫生註冊(修訂)條例草案》,以
           Bill 2021, aiming to create new pathways for admission of non-locally   開闢新途徑,讓非本地培訓醫生在港執業。
           trained doctors to practise in Hong Kong. The Academy have had on-  醫專一直與政府就專科人手事宜保持對話及
           going dialogue with the Government on specialist manpower, hoping   密切溝通,期望找出最有效的方法來紓解問
           to identify the best solutions to tackle the manpower shortage problem   題。食物及衞生局於 2021 年 2 月約見院務委
           in an effective way. The Food and Health Bureau had convened a   員會,聽取委員對其建議方案的意見。委員
           meeting with the Academy Council in February 2021 to listen to   在會上已表明專科訓練承載力及不同分科學
           members' views on its proposal. The complications associated with   院是否已具備接納免試非本地培訓醫生的能
           training capacity and readiness of accepting non-locally trained doctors   力之複雜性。增加醫療人手並非解決公立醫
           without examinations by different Academy Colleges were conveyed.   院人力資源短缺的唯一方法。相關持份者應
           Increasing manpower supply is not the only and complete solution   考量具體措施以避免醫生人手流失至私營醫
           in tackling the problem of manpower shortage in the public sector.    療機構。醫專重申其法定功能 - 維護專科培
           Measures to keep doctors from leaving for the private sector should   訓質素和在港執業的專科醫生水平,並強調
           also be considered. The Academy has reiterated its statutory role in   專業自主和提供可持續訓練名額予本地醫生
           safeguarding specialist training standards as well as the standard of   的重要性。醫專就上述議題向政府及相關部
           specialists practising in Hong Kong. The importance of professional   門 / 委員會提交數份意見書,亦將意見書發
           autonomy and sustainable training opportunities for local trainees were   放給院士。醫專將繼續呼籲政府作出全面計
           emphasised. Some written submissions were made and disseminated   劃,從多方面改善公營醫療系統。
           among Fellows. The Academy would continue to urge the Government
           to make a comprehensive plan to improve the public healthcare system
           on multi-aspects.

           The Academy has maintained an ongoing dialogue with the Hospital   醫專繼續與醫院管理局就疫情下未能如期舉
           Authority about the impact of COVID-19 on scheduled training and   行的分科學院專科培訓活動及考試、培訓課
           examinations, disruption to training programme, support required for   程受阻、模擬及其他培訓合作事宜保持對
           simulation and other training collaborations. The Hospital Authority   話。醫院管理局明白到在職考核已成趨勢,
           noted the trend of adopting workplace-based assessment in various   亦會審視認受其員工出任專科培訓課程導師
           specialties and would address the issue of recognition for trainers   的資歷等事宜。衞生署亦已承諾協助在署方
           who participated in specialist training. The Department of Health   工作的醫院院士申請休假,以出任專科考試
           had also confirmed to facilitate official release of Fellows working for   的考官及支援人員。
           the Department as examiners and supporting members in Colleges'

                                                                                   香港醫學專科學院  2021 年度報告       17
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