Explore the history of the Academy to learn more about the story of the Academy and our developments


July 1968

The idea of introducing specialist registration in Hong Kong was first considered by the Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK). 

October 1986

The Government established a Working Party on Postgraduate Medical Education and Training under the chairmanship of Dr. Keith Halnan. 

October 1989

On 13 October 1989, approval was given by the Governor for the appointment of Prof. Sir David Todd as Chairman of the Preparatory Committee. 

March 1990

The Preparatory Committee, comprising 21 members nominated by the relevant medical bodies and appointed by the Governor, held its first meeting.


March 1992

The Preparatory Committee had its last meeting on 26 March 1992 and confirmed the final design of the Academy emblem.HKAM Logo

June 1992

On 25 June 1992, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 419), compiled by the Preparatory Committee, was enacted by the Legislative Council.

August 1992

The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 419) came into effect on 1 August 1992. An Interim Council was formally established, comprising six Officers and the Presidents of 12 designated Academy Colleges.

The Interim Council formally admitted 12 Academy Colleges:

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists

Hong Kong College of Community Medicine

The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong College of General Practitioners (subsequently renamed as The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians)

The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Hong Kong College of Paediatricians

The Hong Kong College of Pathologists

Hong Kong College of Physicians

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

Hong Kong College of Radiologists

The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong

(Two Faculties, Ophthalmologists and Otorhinolaryngologists, were also admitted under The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong by the Interim Council.)

January 1993

The Academy was finally notified on 15 January 1993 that the Department of Health would offer a site in Wong Chuk Hang to the Academy after much difficulty in finding a suitable site for the future headquarters.

May 1993

On 21 May 1993, the Interim Council agreed on a dark green base with silver trim as the appropriate colour combination for the academic gown of the Academy.

September 1993

The Academy Secretariat moved into the Multicentre Block A of the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, generously provided by the Hospital Authority as a temporary headquarters until the Wong Chuk Hang site was ready.

October 1993

On 20 October 1993, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust confirmed a grant of HK$165 million on condition that the building would be named after the Hong Kong Jockey Club.

December 1993

The Academy’s inaugural ceremony was held on 9 December 1993 and was officiated by the Governor, the Rt. Hon. Mr. Christopher Patten. The ceremony was attended by over 167 overseas dignitaries during which over 2,000 Fellows were admitted in accordance with the admission criteria set by the Interim Council. 

July 1994

The interim period officially ended on 19 July 1994 when the first Annual General Meeting was held, at which Prof. Sir David Todd was elected the first President of the Academy. The meeting was held in conjunction with the first Academy’s Fellowship Conferment Ceremony

March 1995

On 23 March 1995, the land grant was formally executed. The Academy took over the site in Wong Chuk Hang.

March 1995

The Hong Kong Medical Journal, a joint publication of the Academy and the Hong Kong Medical Association, was first published.

October 1995

On 2 October 1995, the Academy admitted another two new Academy Colleges: the College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists. 

January 1997

The Academy admitted another new College, the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine, increasing the total number of Academy Colleges to 15. 

May 1997

The Academy’s Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony was held on 20 May 1997 and officiated by the Academy’s President, Prof. Sir David Todd and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr. Chung-hin Wong. 

Stone Laying Ceremony


October 1998

Construction of the Academy Building was completed on 1 October 1998. The Academy and College secretariats moved in. 

November 1998

The grand opening of the Academy Building was officiated by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hon. Chee-hwa Tung on 26 November 1998. The Academy also held its first International Congress on the same day. 

April 2000

The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building was awarded the 1999 Certificate of Merit by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects. 

October 2004

On 8 October 2004, the Academy signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Health of the Macao SAR Government to provide assistance in accreditation assessment for specialists. 

On 8 October 2004, the Academy signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Health of the Macao SAR Government to provide assistance in accreditation assessment for specialists.


April 2005

An 18-person delegation of the Academy visited Beijing in April 2005. The Academy delegation had fruitful discussion and exchanged views with these organisations on various topics including specialist registration system, exchange programmes on training and continuing medical education.

April 2006

On 14 April 2006, the Academy signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Health for collaboration on specialist training, accreditation and registration in the Mainland. 

December 2007

The Academy signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Royal Society of Medicine for reciprocal use of facilities by members of both organisations. 

March 2009

On 10 March 2009, the Academy signed Memoranda of Understanding with the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (AMM) and the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AMS), seeking to consolidate and strengthen links amongst the three academies in form and substance of the AMM-AMS-HKAM Tripartite Congress of Medicine. The Tripartite Congress would be held every 3 years, to be hosted by the three academies by rotation. 

November 2010

The first AMM-AMS-HKAM Tripartite Congress was held at the Academy Building on 12 November 2010. 

July 2013

In July 2013, the Academy signed an agreement with the Center of Medical Simulation, seeking to promote patient safety, medical education, and research using simulation in Hong Kong. 

December 2013

The Academy’s Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine was officially opened on 10 December 2013. 

August 2014

The Academy’s Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute was officially established on 20 August 2014. The funded project was concluded in October 2022 (Click here for the archived website).

October 2015

On 31 October 2015, the Academy renewed the Memorandum of Understanding with the National Health and Family Planning Commission to extend and continue the collaboration in training of general practitioners and medical specialists for the establishment of “Standardisation of General / Specialist Medical Training” in the Mainland. 

December 2018

The Academy celebrated its Silver Jubilee in 2018 with the slogan “Medical Excellence for a Healthy Future”, which conveys our mission to upholding medical professionalism and nurturing young leaders for better healthcare. A series of activities were organised throughout the year, including the finale Anniversary Congress titled “Beyond 25: New Paradigms in Healthcare”, at which local and international healthcare leaders and experts gathered at the Academy Building to share and exchange knowledge and experiences.

July 2019

With support from the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission, the Academy and the Shenzhen Medical Doctor Association formally established the SZ-HK Medical Specialist Training Centre on 2 July 2019. The Centre is housed in the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital in Shenzhen, China.  

October 2019

The Academy promulgated a Well-being Charter to promote well-being of Fellows and specialist trainees. Various well-being enhancement projects such as a Peer Support Scheme, mindfulness workshops, and gardening programme, have since been organised to realise the commitment.

September 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Academy established a "COVID-19 Corner" on its website , and helped train over 1,800 healthcare practitioners to support the Government’s Universal Community Testing Programme in 2020.

February 2021

The Academy provided online training to over 12,000 healthcare professionals for the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.

June 2021

The Academy formed a Task Force to kick off the works on the development of a Learning Management System (LMS), an online platform to provide e-Learning resources and virtual learning experience in response to the demand for new forms of education and training. The system was completed and implemented in October 2022.

December 2023

The Academy celebrated its Pearl Jubilee throughout the year with the slogan “Nurturing Specialists for 30 Years: Guarding the Health of the Community”, which conveys its mission to guarding the health of Hong Kong society by nurturing generations of medical and dental specialists across different specialties. Educational, social, sports-related, as well as commemorative activities were organised, including the Pearl Jubilee Gala Dinner that were graced by many honorable guests, as well as local and international healthcare leaders and counterparts.
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