Page 16 - Annual Report
P. 16

Dr. Donovan Wong (left) receives the Gold prize
                                                                          of the photography competition from Dr. Wing-
                                                                          cheong Leung (right).

          Certificates of Appreciation                                 感謝狀

          Certificates of appreciation were also presented to 3 staff   醫專亦頒發感謝狀予三位服務秘書處逾十
          members of the Academy Secretariat in recognition of their   年以上的員工,以感謝他們對工作的熱誠
          dedication and contributions during more than 10 years of service.  和貢獻。

           Name                                             Title
           姓名                                               職位

           Ms. Justin Ng                                    Manager (Event)
           吳宇婷女士                                            經理(活動統籌)
           Ms. Toki Chan                                    Senior Event Executive
           陳凱琪女士                                            高級活動統籌幹事

           Ms. Becky Choy                                   Clerical Officer
           蔡妙茹女士                                            文書主任

          2021 David Todd Oration                                      2021 達安輝講座

          David Todd Oration, the most prestigious lecture paying tribute to the   醫專成立最負盛名的達安輝講座,向創院
          Founding President of the Academy Prof. Sir David Todd, was held in   主席達安輝教授致以崇高的敬意。醫專今
          conjunction with the ceremony. Dr. Donald Kwok-tung Li, Immediate   年邀請到世界家庭醫生組織上屆主席及醫
          Past President of the World Organization of Family Doctors and   專前主席李國棟醫生出任講者,在儀式後
          Past President of the Academy, was invited as the Orator this year,   發表以「信、望、愛」為題的演說。
          delivering an enlightening talk titled ‘Faith, Hope, and Love’.

                                                                          Dr. Donald Kwok-tung Li, Orator of 2021 David
                                                                          Todd Oration
                                                                          2021 年達安輝講座講者李國棟醫生

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