Page 15 - Annual Report
P. 15
Medal Awardee (Academy College) Research Title
獎項 得獎者 (分科學院) 研究題目
Gold Medal Dr. Jasper Fuk-woo Chan and his Simulation of the Clinical and Pathological
金獎 team (Pathologists) Manifestations of Coronavirus Disease 2019
陳福和醫生及其團隊(病理科) (COVID-19) in a Golden Syrian Hamster Model:
Implications for Disease Pathogenesis and
Silver Medal Dr. Mary Ho and her team Analysis of choriocapillaris perfusion and choroidal
銀獎 (Ophthalmologists) layer changes in patients with chronic central serous
何璟穎醫生及其團隊(眼科) chorioretinopathy randomised to micropulse laser or
photodynamic therapy
Bronze Medal Dr. Michael Shing-fung Lee and his Doxorubicin and subsequent risk of cardiovascular
銅獎 team (Radiologists) diseases among survivors of diffuse large B-cell
李成峰醫生及其團隊(放射科) lymphoma in Hong Kong
Prize for Best Original Research by Trainees (BORT) 最佳學員原創研究獎
This prize aims to recognise excellence in research conducted by 此獎項旨在表揚醫生於接受醫學/牙科專
doctors during medical or dental specialist training. Awardees 科培訓期間在研究方面取得傑出成績。儀
of the year 2020 and 2021 received the prize in the ceremony. 式上,2020 及 2021 年度得獎者均接受獎
Results of the 2021 Prize for Best Original Research by Trainees 項。2021 年最佳學員原創研究獎的結果
were as follows: 如下:
Medal Awardee (Academy College) Research Title
獎項 得獎者 (分科學院) 研究題目
Gold Medal Dr. Janus Siu-him Wong Genetic Risk Factors for Atypical Femoral Fractures - A
金獎 (Orthopaedic Surgeon) Multi-centre Genome-wide Association Study of 2539
黃兆謙醫生(骨科) Patients with The Hong Kong Osteoporosis Study Cohort
Silver Medal Dr. Chun-fai Yeung (Pathologist) Artificial Intelligence Significantly Improves the Diagnostic
銀獎 楊浚暉醫生(病理科) Accuracy of Deep Myxoid Soft Tissue Lesion in Histology
Bronze Medal Dr. Che-to Lai (Physician) Secular Trend of Treatment Uptake in Patients with
銅獎 黎梓滔醫生(內科) Chronic Hepatitis B - A Territory-wide Study of 135,395
Patients from 2000 to 2017
Dr. Yuen-ting Wong (Surgeon) The Study on Artificial Intelligence (Al) Colonoscopy in
黃婉婷醫生(外科) Affecting the Rate of Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy - A
Single Center Retrospective Study
Prizes for Photography Competition 攝影比賽獎項
To enhance Fellows’ sense of belonging to the Academy, the 醫專社交小組委員會在 2021 下半年舉行
Social Subcommittee organised an Academy Building photography 醫專大樓攝影比賽,增加院士對醫專的歸
competition in the second half of 2021. Six submissions were 屬感。六項得獎作品均由評審選出。有關
shortlisted and awarded. List of winners and their work are available 作品及得獎者名單詳列於內務委員會報
in the House Committee’s report. 告。
12 HKAM Annual Report 2022 香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告 13