Page 20 - Annual Report
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The Academy is committed to promoting well-being of Fellows and 醫專致力推動其院士及專科培訓學員的身
specialist trainees by adopting an "ASAP" model featuring key elements 心健康,採取「ASAP」模式,即認知關
of Awareness, Self-care, Ask for help and Promotion of well-being. A 注 (Awareness)、 自 助 (Self-care)、 求 助 (Ask
Well-being Charter will be promulgated with a designated webpage for help) 及推廣身心健康 (Promotion of well-
being developed. being)。醫專將發起「身心健康約章」,並推
The Academy continues to consolidate international collaborative 醫專將繼續與海外學院協作,促進學術交流,
efforts in raising standards of postgraduate medical education and 提升其在區域內的專科培訓及教育水平。醫
training in the region through knowledge exchange. The Memorandum 專與韓國醫學科學院已續簽為期兩年的合作
of Understanding with Korean Academy of Medical Sciences was 備忘錄,備忘錄於 2021 年 4 月生效。此外,
renewed for another 2 years, commencing April 2021. Collaboration 儘管受疫情限制,醫專維持與新加坡、馬來
with academies in Singapore, Malaysia and Macau continued despite 西亞及澳門的合作夥伴關係,如參與網上和
some limitations due to the pandemic, such as meeting online and 兼備線上及實體混合模式的學術會議。
participation at conferences that are organised in hybrid mode (with
both online and onsite audiences).
Committees 委員會
Education Committee 教育委員會
Continuing Medical Education (CME) / Continuous Professional 延續醫學教育 / 持續專業發展
Development (CPD)
The Academy has implemented mandatory CME for its Fellows 自 1996 年起,醫專推行強制性延續醫學教育
since 1996. The 9 cycle has started on 1 January 2020. According 課程。第九個周期已於 2020 年 1 月 1 日開始。
to the records of the 11 constituent Colleges using the Academy's 根據十一個使用醫專網上會員系統 iCMECPD
online membership management system "International Network 的分科學院的紀錄,截至周期的第一年完
for Continuing Medical Education and Continuous Professional 結,約百分之八十七的院士獲得最少三十個
Development" (iCMECPD), about 87% of Fellows have obtained at 學分,約百分之三十三的院士所得之學分已
least 30 points, and about 33% have obtained 90 points or more, after 達到九十個學分以上。
the first year of the cycle.
Since 1 January 2008, all constituent Colleges have capped the passive 自 2008 年 1 月 1 日起,所有醫專分科學院就
CME / CPD points being allowed per cycle at 75 points or below. In 被動延續醫學教育分數增設上限為每個周期
the 2020 – 2022 cycle, the Committee endorsed an adjustment on 七十五分或以下。教育委員會於 2020-2022
the capping for undergraduate or postgraduate teaching from 5 年周期通過延續醫學教育 / 持續專業發展指
points to 15 points in the CME / CPD Guidelines. Fellows are strongly 引之修訂,將本科及畢業後醫學教學所獲得
advised to maintain a balanced CME / CPD profile with a mix of 之學分上限由五個學分調整至十五個學分。
different activities. At the end of the cycle, the Academy will provide 醫專積極建議院士進修不同類型的延續醫學
the Medical Council of Hong Kong with information of Fellows who 教育 / 持續專業發展活動,平衡各方面的發
are on the Specialist Register and fulfil the CME / CPD requirements, 展。周期完結時,醫專會向香港醫務委員會
as well as those who are non-compliant and required to engage in 提交在專科醫生名冊上之院士已符合延續醫
remedial programme. 學教育 / 持續專業發展要求或仍未符合相關
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