Join us - Peer Support Scheme
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The Academy has launched the PSS, which is a voluntary programme for Academy Fellows and specialist trainees to offer or find support through informal communication that may be beneficial to mental well-being.
Academy Fellows are free to enroll as Peer Supporters. Peer Supporters are individuals who are keen to contribute to the well-being of peers in the profession, and to help foster a caring and supportive culture within the work environment. They are dedicated to show support to the peers of the same or different specialties through active listening and sharing experience in their spare time. The informal connection will not lead to any doctor-patient relationships and would not have any financial obligations.
All our Peer Supporters will be provided with dedicated training by the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists. They will be equipped with relevant skills and qualities, allowing them to be active listeners and offer informal advice when needed to peers who wish to talk to someone or express grievances about their problems in the work or personal life. All conversations will be kept strictly confidential.
The period for enrollment as a Peer Supporter is one year, renewable annually on a voluntary basis.
Click here for details about the scope and nature of peer support on the designated webpage
For enquiries, please email the Academy Secretariat at