Page 41 - Annual Report
P. 41
Council and Committee Reports 院務委員會及其他委員會報告
Task Force on Artificial Intelligence 人工智能專責小組
Workshop on Generative AI in Healthcare 醫療保健領域的生成式人工智能研討
A half-day workshop on Generative AI in Healthcare organised 由委員會轄下的人工智能專責小組主
by the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence was successfully 辦、為期半天的醫療保健領域的生成式
held on 7 January 2024. It aimed to share information on the 人工智能研討會於2024年1月7日成功
fundamentals of generative AI, present some of the current 舉行。該研討會旨在分享有關生成式人
trends and adoption of generative AI in clinical practice and 工智能的基礎知識、探討目前生成式人
medical education, and address potential ethical issues related 工智能在臨床實踐和醫學教育中的趨
to generative AI in healthcare. Over 100 participants from 勢及應用,以及與之相關的潛在倫理問
various specialties attended. Positive feedback and useful 題。超過一百位來自不同專科的參加者
suggestions were received. 出席當天活動,並收到了積極的反饋和
The PEC Co-Chairmen,
Convenor of the Task Force,
and guest speakers at the
Task Force on Disclosure, Apology and Alternative Dispute 披露、道歉及非訴訟解紛專責小組
Workshop on Disclosure, Apology and Alternative Dispute 披露、道歉及非訴訟解紛工作坊
A half-day workshop on Disclosure, Apology and Alternative 由委員會轄下的披露、道歉及非訴訟解
Dispute Resolutions (DAADR) organised by the Task Force 紛專責小組主辦、為期半天的工作坊於
on DAADR was successfully held on 1 June 2024. It aimed to 2024年6月1日成功舉行,透過案例研究
provide participants with useful planning and communication 和角色扮演為參加者提供實用的披露、
skills involved in making disclosure, apology and alternative 道歉和非訴訟解紛規劃和溝通技巧,以
dispute resolutions when patient safety incidents occur 有效應對病患安全事件的發生。約三十
through case-study and role-playing. Around 30 participants 名參加者出席了此工作坊。
attended the workshop.
香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告