Page 43 - Annual Report
P. 43
Council and Committee Reports 院務委員會及其他委員會報告
The PEC Co-Chairmen, coaches and participants at the workshop
Young Fellows Chapter 年青院士分會
The Academy established the Young Fellows Chapter (YFC) 醫專於2017年成立年青院士分會,旨在
in 2017 with representatives from 15 Academy Colleges, who 鼓勵年青院士參與醫專活動和事務以
have been conferred Academy Fellowship within the past 了解醫專的宗旨及工作,從而培育出
10 years. The aim is to nurture future healthcare leaders by 未來醫學領袖。分會成員由十五間分科
involving young Fellows in various activities and affairs of the 學院提名,並於近十年間獲頒授院士資
Academy, allowing them to better understand the objectives 格。第七屆年青院士分會於2023年7月1
and work of the Academy. The 7 term of the Young Fellows 日履新。
Chapter began on 1 July 2023.
Members of the YFC have been supportive of Academy 年青院士分會成員熱衷參與醫專各委
Council’s work and actively engaged in discussions of various 員會的事務,就專業培訓及學術事宜進
committees about professional training and educational 行討論和交流。分會成員亦積極參與籌
issues. They were also dedicated to organising activities 備多項聯誼活動,藉以加強醫專院士們
to connect Academy Fellows from different specialties, 的聯繫,提升凝聚力。新一屆年青院士
building ties and strengthening bonds among them. The 分會致力協助醫專提升醫療人員專業
new Governing Council of the Young Fellows Chapter (YFC) 水平。
is devoted to assisting the Academy in promoting medical
In the year of Academy’s 30 Anniversary in 2023, the YFC 2023年適逢醫專成立三十周年,年青院
developed a number of initiatives and activities. 士分會舉辦多項項目和活動。
1. A joint workshop was co-organised by the YFC and 1. 年青院士分會於2024年3月與醫療保
Medical Protection Society (MPS) in March 2024, with the 障協會聯合舉辦「降低你的臨床風
topic ‘Reducing your clinical risks – what you don’t know 險-你不知道的事情對你傷害最大」
can hurt you the most’. The workshop, aimed to raise 研討會,以提高醫生對醫療實踐中
awareness and understanding of risk management in 的風險管理的意識和理解。研討會
medical practice, was successfully completed with positive 順利舉行,並且得到正面的回饋。
feedback received.
香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告