Page 40 - Annual Report
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Council and Committee Reports 院務委員會及其他委員會報告
            Membership Committee                                          會籍委員會

            The  Academy received 182 nominations for Fellowship from     2023年7月至12月期間,委員會共接獲
            the Academy Colleges between July and December 2023. All      及審核一百八十二份由分科學院提名
            nominations were vetted by the Membership Committee and       的院士申請,並提交予院務委員會審
            recommended to the Council for approval. Those new Fellows    批。該批新院士申請已於2023年12月8
            were formally admitted in the  Annual General Meeting and     日的周年全體大會上通過。新院士在同
            conferred at the Ceremony on 8 December 2023.                 日舉行的頒授儀式上獲頒授有關資格。

            From January to June 2024, 136 nominations for Fellowship     2024年1月至6月期間,委員會共審核
            were vetted by the Committee and were recommended             一百三十六份院士申請,並提交予院務
            to the Council for approval.  The nominations were formally   委員會審批。有關提名已於2024年6月
            endorsed in the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 20      20日舉行之特別會員大會上正式通過。
            June 2024.  The Fellowships will be conferred in the  Annual   這批院士將於2024年12月舉行的院士頒
            Fellowship Conferment Ceremony in December 2024.              授儀式上獲頒相關資格。

            Professionalism and Ethics Committee                          專業及道德倫理委員會

            The Professionalism and Ethics Committee (PEC) was            專業及道德倫理委員會於2019年3月成
            established in March 2019 to further promote and enhance      立,致力推廣及提升醫專院士和專科培
            the standard and practice of medical professionalism and      訓學員在醫學專業及道德倫理方面的
            ethics among Academy Fellows and specialist trainees. During   水準和實踐。委員會於本年度發佈了一
            the reporting period, PEC published a set of Best Practice    份《專家證人的良好作業指引》供參考。
            Guidelines (BPG) for Expert  Witnesses for their reference    為配合不斷變化的社會發展,委員會轄
            and information.  To keep up with the ever-changing social    下的專責小組繼續舉辦與醫療專業及
            development, the  Task Forces under PEC also continued to     道德倫理主題相關的研討會和工作坊,
            organise seminars and workshops on topics associated with     重點之一是提升院士對一些可能影響
            medical professionalism and ethics. One of the major focuses   他們執業之相關醫療法律的認知。
            was to enhance Fellows’ understanding of medico-legal issues
            that may affect their practice.

            Task Force on Advance Directives                              預設醫療指示專責小組
            Best Practice Guidelines on Advance Medical Directives        預設醫療指示的良好作業指引

            The latest draft of the  ‘Best Practice Guidelines on Advance   由委員會轄下的預設醫療指示專責小
            Medical  Directives’  compiled by the  Task Force on  Advance   組草擬的最新版《預設醫療指示的良好
            Directives has been circulated to the  Academy Colleges for   作業指引》已發給各分科學院以徵求意
            feedback and suggestions, and has been shared with the        見和建議,並分享給醫院管理局作參考
            Hospital Authority for reference. Subject to the enactment of   用途。該指引的最終版本將在《預設醫
            ‘The  Advance Decision on Life-sustaining Ordinance’ by the   療指示條例》獲立法會通過並生效後適
            Legislative Council and the effective date, the final version of   時發佈。
            the BPG will be published in due course.

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