Page 36 - Annual Report
P. 36

Council and Committee Reports 院務委員會及其他委員會報告

            An Academy football team named AM F.C. has been formed        此外,醫專成立一支名為「醫專足聯」的
            with over 70 Fellows registered as team players to represent   足球隊。這支隊伍由超過七十名院士報
            the Academy in friendly matches and tournaments. This team    名組成,凝聚了一眾充滿活力、熱愛足
            is a vibrant community of medical professionals who share a   球的醫療專業人士,代表醫專參加各項
            passion for football and believe that sports not only promote   友誼賽和錦標賽。他們相信運動不僅能
            physical well-being but also relieve stress. It further provides   促進身體健康,還能減輕壓力。此外,
            a platform to connect fellow healthcare professionals of      足球隊的成立提供了一個平台,聯繫不
            different specialties and foster teamwork.                    同專科的醫療同儕,促進團隊合作。

                                                                              AM F. C. friendly match

            The Academy has been soliciting a range of corporate offers   醫專一直為院士搜羅各式企業優惠,包
            for  Fellows,  including  festive delicacies and  dining services.   括節日禮品及餐飲服務等。院士的直系
            Fellows’ immediate family members holding Supplementary       親屬現時亦可憑附屬卡使用三樓院士
            Cards may also use the Lounge facilities located on the third   軒設施。
            floor of the Academy Building.

            Advocating Doctors’ Well-being                                提倡醫生身心健康
            Quality patient care and doctors’ well-being go hand in hand.   醫生個人身心健康與病人護理質素息
            The  Academy, assuming a leading role in the medical and      息相關。醫專發起《身心健康約章》,致
            dental profession, has promulgated a  Well-being Charter      力關注並促進院士及各分科學院專科
            committed to cultivating and promoting well-being of          培訓學員的身心健康。醫專繼續承諾加
            Academy Fellows and specialist trainees of its constituent    強醫生和專科培訓學員對整全身心健
            Colleges. The Academy continues its pledge to acknowledge     康概念的認知和重要性,並採取相應措
            the importance of well-being, to take actions, and to advocate   施,倡議改善政策以提升身心健康。
            policy changes for improvement of wellness.

            The  Academy has been persistently advocating doctors’        醫專持續透過推展「ASAP」模式,即認
            well-being through an  ‘ASAP approach’ –  Awareness,  Self-   知關注、自助、求助及推廣身心健康,
            care,  Ask for help and  Promotion of well-being. Over the    推動醫專院士身心靈健康發展。報告年
            reporting year, the  Task Force on  Well-being continued its   內,身心健康專責小組繼續透過「哥本
            initiatives to raise awareness of different levels of work-   哈根疲勞量表」問卷量度職場上不同範
            related burnout through the ‘Copenhagen Burnout Inventory’    疇的耗竭水平,以及繼續招募和推行
            questionnaire. By continuing to recruit Peer Supporters, the   同伴支持者計劃,建立強健的支援網
            Academy built a strong network and connection to offer        絡與聯繫,為有需要的醫專院士及專
            unofficial psychological support to Fellows and specialist    科培訓學員提供非正式的精神健康支
            trainees in need across different specialties. The fourth mental   援。由正念減壓療法課程認證導師趙玲
            health  training  ‘Mindfulness  Induction  Group’  programme   醫生主持的第四期「靜觀體驗小組」精

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